Sunday 30 March 2014

Peer Reviewed study explains the expansion of L3 african haplogroup throughout Africa.... Non black Egyptian theory is officially dead.

The Expansion of mtDNA Haplogroup L3 within and out of Africa

  1. Luísa Pereira*,1,7
  2. Essentially this map demonstrated 30-40k years ago that there was an expansion of the female african haplogroup into Egypt, Libya and Algeria. It then demonstrates how its sister L3 clades went into sudn and central west africa around the same period. It also demonstrates the central african origins of the ancient egyptians. Which is of course something the ancient egyptians believed (that they were of central africa origin). It also lays to rest the non-black ancient north africa theory of white carthagians. It is quiet clear from the evidence the ancient north africans were indeed black and the ancient carthage were black peoples.

"The scan of founder lineage variation (fig. 4C) in North Africa indicates two peaks at 0.6 and at 6.6 ka"

"We performed a founder analysis stipulating three migration times, including a third one of 35.0 ka, based on the ages of U6, L3k and the population increase in the BSP (supplementary fig. S7Supplementary Material online) with results presented in table 1. The biggest slice corresponds to the peak at 6.6 ka, corresponding to one-third of the L3 lineages (table 2), mainly affiliated to haplogroup L3e5, which is largely restricted to Northwest Africa. It dates to 12.4–13.6 ka and so may have begun earlier than 6.6 ka. The other major lineages contributing to the 6.6 ka partition (Central African L3b, L3e1, and L3e2 lineages: founders F17, F28, and F41 in supplementary table S4Supplementary Materialonline), suggest the postglacial period was characterized by gene flow across the Sahel belt (Cerný et al. 2007)"

"The BSP for North Africa also indicates the major rate of increase in the effective population size centered at about 10 ka (supplementary fig. S7,Supplementary Material online; table 1), contemporaneous with Central and Eastern Africa. Since the majority of L3 lineages in the scan had an origin elsewhere, the timing of the growth signal observed in the North African BSP might in fact be describing the demography of the source, with many of the coalescences occurring prior to the dispersal into North Africa. However, an independent analysis of North African U6 (Pereira et al. 2010) indicated growth associated with this haplogroup ∼10 ka."