Tuesday 18 February 2014

20+ interesting photos of africans in antiquity 7

The Etruscans were indeed black but I recall them being the original roman ie the pre-latin roman people. I believe the pre-hellenic greek people were the minoans, pleasgians, mycenians etc and they were blacks. The whites first start arriving in greece and rome during the indo-european expansion into europe (rome and greece) between 800-1000 bce. When they arrive in greece they plunged it into the dark age (just like the germanic and slavic expansions plunged europe into a dark age again).

Most of the images of white greeks are modern day frauds created in plaster museums art work shops going back to the 1800s. Ie.
Cambridge University plaster museum
A cast collection is, perhaps, a rather odd basis for a museum. After all, nothing in our Cast Gallery is original. Plaster casts lack the authenticity of ancient marbles and bronzes which are over two thousand years old; their surfaces, at least in our collection, are not marked by the passage of time but by special treatments designed to make them look more like stone and metal. Every cast is a copy, a replica, a fake even. Plaster casts just aren't real – are they

Overtime many of the fakes are just presented as real because they outnumber real artifacts at such a great rate.

he sahara during the end of the last ice age 8000 years ago it dramtically increased pressure on food supplies and resources pushing millions of people out of northern half of africa. Scientist call this the saharan pump theory and it is one of the explanations given for why africans moved so heavily into the middle east europe and turkey. You may not be aware of it but the sahara was actually wet and jungle like with a climate very similar to the rest of tropical africa until about 6000 bce.

But we know blacks spread out far before then going back to the meso and paleolithic era into europe. This is because hunter gatherer people need even MORE space than basically sedentary people so they spread out even more to all parts of the world.

First man in russia

First man in europe

The first European: Created from fragments of fossil, the face of our forbears 35,000 years ago

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencete...#ixzz2kYeNITB0 
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And if you look, greece and rome are alot closer to africa than other parts of Africa. Ie. The distance from timbuctoo to say cape town south africa is 6051+ km. Distance from timbuctoo to athens greece is 3500 km, distance from timbuctoo to rome is 3100 km. Distance from Lagos to Cape town = 4700km. Distance from Lagos to rome = 4000 km and about the same for Athens. In other words, basically rome and greece are closer to most of sub-saharan africa's population centres than say south africa. But no one doubts the south africans as being blacks or saying its too far away. It is easier to cross the desert of the sahara or the nile than to cross the jungle of the congo through a longer distance. 
South sudan to rome =4000 km
" to athens = 4000 km
" to crete = 3866 km 
" to ivory coast = 4000 km
" to cape town south africa = 4400 km.

In many cases parts of africa are farther from each other than parts of europe or close to equal distance. Its easier to walk 10 miles of desert or along a river than to walk through a jungle with thick overgrowth.

 top eurocentric geneticist says on basically race and white people
SHELF LIFE; Dismantling Race and Unifying the Human Species
By Edward Rothstein
Published: April 01, 2000


By Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza

Translated by Mark Seielstad. Illustrated. 228 pp. North Point Press. $24.

He argues that the differences commonly associated with race are purely a matter of surface appearance, adaptations by various populations to the climates in which they evolved. In tropical climates, for example, it is an advantage to be short because that means there is a greater surface area for the body's sweat to evaporate in relation to the body's volume. In the cold of Siberia, the Mongols developed round heads and bodies, thus increasing body volume while decreasing the evaporative surface area.

Mr. Cavalli-Sforza argues that the greatest genetic variation between any racial groups ever identified is far less than the variation within any given population. Racial distinctions, he concludes, are arbitrary

We learn that Europeans are, in their ancestry, about two-thirds Asian and one-third African; 

And he is a 91 year old white man. Greece never had a slave trade of black people, greeks were enslaved by turks, when black was enslaved in america, I've been to greek festival where they celebrate liberation of 400 years of turkish slavery. So when and where did Greeks get there 1/3rd black ancestry from. This isn't just some looney old man, he is a top bio-genetist at stanford, he is a eurocentric (like most men his age) but even he had to admit to obvious fact 1/3 of european dna is essentially black.

The reason the other side hurles insults is because like socrates I spoke the truth so they turn against me. imsofull of it just got realize that turko-arabs of north africa are all turks and the original arabs were black. I posted so much sources and dna, and experts in the field confirming it. Her own sources actually proved it. So now she hates me and groans me and follows me and stalks me on the forum just because I proved modern north africans who are not black come from turkey. I also caught her changing the numbers on wikipedia to try to lie and claim that berbers were 99% e1b1b when the actual sources in the footnote actually contradicted her. In other words, I caught her plagiarizing, which is illegal by the way.

I'm not on a blackwashing quest, I just post objective info, I've been accused of blackwash to try to blame black people for slavery or justify white racism. Some people just dislike truth because it doesn't fit into their politics. I imagine if you are a white greek who gives a nazi salute or thinks mosquitos stingy black people means they get home grown food and you are a neo-nazi like the 2 i posted, hearing that your ancestors were a bunch of barbarians and the black people who you hate and think should be deported... create your civilization, I can understand why people hate the information or the facts. If you are a north african or middle eastern and I prove you that your j haplogroup is a turk haplogroup you will hate me because turks are hated bcause they were shamed in the world around ww1. Turks were called the mad man of europe and had all their colonies taken away. Being a turk in alot of the former ottoman nations was like being a black man in 1920 racist place, everyone hate you. Anyone who could deny being turk start to call themself arabs. You can see the other threads for the proof.

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