Thursday 20 February 2014

New Studies Demonstrate the link between Africans and Greeks (Creteans) dna

Somalians 82% T Haplogroup (highest in world)

Plaster et al., "Variation in Y chromosome, mitochondrial DNA and labels of identity on Ethiopia,"UCL Discovery (2011)

Aushi-Zambia 50%

Cesare de Filippo et al., "Y-chromosomal variation in Sub-Saharan Africa, insights into the history of Niger–Congo groups," Oxford University Press, 2010

32% Cretans( highest T haplogroup in Europe)

Panayotis Katsaloulis et al., "Genetic population study of 11 Y chromosome STR loci in Greece," Forensic Science International: Genetics (2013)

Akie Tanzania 23%

[Hirbo et al.]

25% Southeastern Greeks-Chains
C. Robino et al., "Y-chromosomal STR haplotypes in a population sample from continental Greece, and the islands of Crete and Chios," Forensic Science International (2004)

17.9 % Sicilians

Cornelia; Gaetano, Di; Cerutti, Nicoletta; Crobu, Francesca et al. (2009). "Differential Greek and northern African migrations to Sicily are supported by genetic evidence from the Y chromosome"European Journal of Human Genetics 17 (1): 91–99.doi:10.1038/ejhg.2008.120PMC 2985948.PMID 18685561.

The last study used the same method and traces back the T dna from Africa to demonstrate that Sicilian and greeks in the ancient period were African migrants.

Haplogroups common both to the European and Eurasian populations are present in Sicily. The most represented are R1b1c-M269 (24.58%), J2-M172 (15.25%) and E3b1a-M78 (11.44%). The co-occurrence of the Berber E3b1b-M81 (2.12%) and of the Mid-Eastern J1-M267 (3.81%) Hgs together with the presence of E3b1a1-V12, E3b1a3-V22, E3b1a4-V65 (5.5%) support the hypothesis of intrusion of North African genes.
In total, 48% of the E3b1a-M78 chromosomes in Sicily belongs to Hgs E3b1a1-V12, E3b1a3-V22 and E3b1a4-V65. These Hgs are common in northern Africa and are observed only in Mediterranean Europe and together the presence of the E3b1b-M81 highlights the genetic relationships between northern Africa and Sicily. 

So and 
I am a waiting for your explanation for why Creteans today are carrying 30% black dna.


  1. >>I am a waiting for your explanation for why Creteans today are carrying 30% black dna.<<

    You do know that uniparental markers cannot be used to quantify admixture or geographic ancestry, right?

    Therefore when you claim that cretans are "30" % black by carrying an african derived (or possibly not) uniparental marker, you are confounding autosomal with allosomal ancestral estimates.

    But to get back to greeks and cretans with high T-M184 ratios, the question I would ask if exactly where is that lineage originating? Just because it is high in some and low in others could very well have been influenced by bottlenecking and random drift, among others. It is clear that all of south europe has african ties, or at the very least ties to "Hamites" like Cushites from east africa and berbers from north africa. futher than that, I have just not seen the evidence.

    two major studies giving a "west asian" origin for T-M184, or otherwise for haplogroup T
    Mendez, Fernando L.; Karafet, Tatiana M.; Krahn, Thomas; Ostrer, Harry; Soodyall, Himla; Hammer, Michael F. (2011). "Increased Resolution of Y Chromosome Haplogroup T Defines Relationships among Populations of the Near East, Europe, and Africa". Human Biology 83 (1): 39–53

    Underhill, Peter A.; Passarino, Giuseppe; Lin, Alice A.; Marzuki, Sangkot; Oefner, Peter J.; Cavalli-Sforza, L. Luca; Chambers, Geoffrey K. (2001). "Maori origins, Y-chromosome haplotypes and implications for human history in the Pacific". Human Mutation 17 (4): 271–80


    -Duttarmachandro Illamahal Xianshan

  2. Likely you'd know there are alot more studies out there and other haplogroups in common, this isn't uniparental. Perhaps you should brush up on your geology, Part of Africa (geographically) is in West Asia (geologically) but it is ultimately irrelevent whether it originates in West Asia geographically or not, this is because at that point the West Asians were still black African peoples as the indo-europeans had not yet invaded and raided those parts of west asia. So calling them African I was not speaking of a place on a map but rather a race of peoples. Likely you will ask me for proof of ancient west asians being black, luckily for you I wrote about 20 post on it. So read them and understand them.

    Further I compared the Somalians 82% Y-dna to the Creteans 32% Y-dna of the same group T. Even if T didn't first appear in Africa, we are talking a black african population in West Asia who had the mutation in their snp, but I could see how it could be confusing to you. West Asia was just as black 19000 years ago (the earliest the hap-t is believe to begun) as the rest of Africa, given that the peer review studies demonstrate white skin is only 5,000 years old, anyone arguing that people from 19,000 years ago are non-black has the onus on them to prove how ancient black people in a desert turned white.


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