Wednesday 19 February 2014

Prominent White Zimbabweans Call On EU To Lift Sanctions On The Country

Prominent White Zimbabweans Call On EU To Lift Sanctions On The Country

Heath Streak, Zimbabweans Against Sanctions spokesperson

A group calling itself Zimbabweans Against Sanctions and led by prominent whites in the country, have called on the European Union (EU) to unconditionally lift all sanctions against Zimbabwe and its leaders.

It says the decade long ban on the country is not just hurting President Robert Mugabe's inner circle, but all Zimbabweans including the white businesses.

The group says its members have been unable to access international financing as a result of the ban.

The lobby group which is scheduled to officially launch this March is made up of 3000 Zimbabwean whites including former international cricketer Heath Streak and Olympic Gold Medalist swimmer Kirsty Coventry.

The group's chairperson Mathew Smith says they are forming this lobby group because the truth about Zimbabwe needs to be heard, and for that truth to be heard it needs to be told from their perspective, especially as white Zimbabweans on whose behalf these damaging sanctions were supposedly imposed.

Smith says they believe that the sanctions are not only targeted but are in fact broad-based financial sanctions in their nature, and their impact exemplified by the US's ZIDERA Act of 2001.

He says whether you call them smart or targeted measures, their effect has neither been smart or targeted as it consumed Zimbabwe and all its citizens in one and the same negative way without discrimination.

Meanwhile, European Union ministers have approved the suspension of most sanctions against Zimbabwe. However, they have left in place those directly targeting Mugabe and his wife Grace.

Zimbabweans Against Sanctions spokesperson Heath Streak speaks to SABC News presenter Alicia Jali.

Well, Well, Well, looks like the white western sanctions that "Target" Mugabe to protect the "white africans" are now hurting the white man it was suppose to protect and help. The EU and USA insist that these only hurt Mugabe but here the white man cry white tears begging to lift the sanctions from the UK, USA and Canada

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