Friday 21 February 2014

Ancient Greeks DNA myth rebuttal

Herodotus (circa 440 B.C.)

Book 1 – CLIO
[1.58] The Hellenic race has never, since its first origin, changed its speech. This at least seems evident to me. It was a branch of the Pelasgic, which separated from the main body, and at first was scanty in numbers and of little power; but it gradually spread and increased to a multitude of nations, chiefly by the voluntary entrance into its ranks of numerous tribes of barbarians.

Its obvious the barbarians are refering to the barbarians tribes from central asia also known as the white people or germanics that the Romans would give the same name. But what is important here is that Herodutus makes it clear the original Greeks were a branch of the Pelasgic race of peoples. A black African race of peoples closely associated with the Niger-Congoan speaking mande and mandinka peoples of West Africa who moved into north africa and along with neighbouring black africans like the garamantes and carians moved into Greece to create the greek civilization.

It is generally accepted and was until the age of white scientific racism that the Pelasgic people were a black or Hamitic race or peoples (descendants of Ham the biblical father of the black race essentially another term for black people used largely in the 18th and 19th century)

"Italy- HamiUc Pelasgians in the south"

"Sicily HamiUc Iberian Sieanes, 2000 b. c. ; 
Hamitic Pelasgians"

"Greece- Hamitic Pelasgians, 2500 B.C.
Hamitic; Shepherds " and Phoenicians, 1700 to 
1200 b. c. "

"craniography they supplied the mesocephalic element. We thus 
get a conception of a vast Hamitic empire existing in prehis- 
toric, Neolithic times, whose several nationalities were centered 
in Mesopotamia, Canaan, Egypt, north-western Africa, Iberia, 
Greece, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, and central Europe — an intelli- 
gent and powerful ethnic family, the first of the Adamites to 
emerge into historic light, but with the record of its achieve- 
■ ments buried in a gloom almost as dense as that which covers 
the ruder population that the Hamites everywhere displaced. 
To this family, chiefly, are to be traced the dark complexions of 
the nations and tribes still dwelling around all the shores of the 

"Indo-Europeans are known to have been in Europe as early 
as 2000 b. c. Before this epoch two empires had been estab- 
lished by other invaders — the Iberian in the south-west, and the 
Pelasgian in the south-east. The Iberians entered by the"

Again it made quiet clear by pre and non-scientific racist published documents 
that the non-european never were in Europe before 2000 b.c. So when you go and 
Greece was inhabited from as early as 24,000 B.C. you know the people there were black.

"Pillars of Hercules. They came from Atlantis and northern 
Africa, at the time when the Hamitic Berbers were gaining 
possession. They overran the Spanish peninsula, founded cities, 
built a navy, carried on commerce, extended their empire over 
the countries that later were known as Gaul and Britain, held 
Italy as Sicanes when Rome was founded, long before the sack 
of Troy, and from Italy passed into Sicily as early as 2000 b. c. 
Here they were disturbed by Pelasgians, while along the Med- 
iterranean shore Aryan Ligures penetrated to the Pyrenees and 

"By 1000 b. c, the Phoeni- 
cians possessed the greater part of Spain. The Basques are the 
only existing remnant of the Iberian people, and they are ex- 
tensively Gallicized. Their language, says "Whitney, possesses 
some affinities with those of the American family, which is 
ethnically Mongoloid ; but their cranial characters approach the 
type of the Guanches and Berbers, which is Hamitic."

"The Pelasgic Empire was at its meridian as early as 2500 
B. c. This people came from the islands of the AEgean, and more 
remotely from Asia Minor. They were originally a branch of 
the sunburnt Hamitic stock, that laid the basis of civilization 
in Canaan and Mesopotamia, destined later to be Semitized. 
Danaos and his daughters — that is, the fugitive "Shepherds" 
from Egypt — sought refuge among their Hamitic kindred in the 
Peloponnesus about 1700 B. 0. Three hundred years before 
this these Pelasgians had learned the art of weaving and agri- 
culture from Aryan immigrants. In time they occupied the 
whole of Greece and Thessaly. Before 2000 B. c, they estab- 
lished themselves in Italy, and, after reverses and Aryan subju- 
gation, founded a later empire — 992 to 974 B. c. — known as 
Etruscan, which extended north beyond the Po. Rome itself 
was Pelasgian from the fourteenth century to 428 B. c. But in 
Italy and in Greece the Hamitic stock was displaced and ab- 
sorbed by Aryan, as in Asia it had been by Semitic. "


So there you have it, given this book was written by a white man and published inthe most leading literary magazine available at his time

The North American Review Volume 0139 Issue 334 (Sept 1884)
Title: Our Remote Ancestry [pp. 246-256]
Author: Winchell, Alexander, Prof.
Collection: Journals: North American Review (1815 - 1900)

At the close of the last and at the beginning of the present century, largely owing to the interest taken in the history of primitive man by the Prince of Monaco, systematic excavations were carried out in deep strata of their floors. In one of these, the "Grotte des Enfants," usually named the Grimaldi Cave In the lowest layer of all were found two skeletons—one of a woman past middle life, with a stature estimated (5 ft. 2 in.) and the other of a boy about sixteen to seventeen years of age, and about (5 ft. 1 in.) in height. With them were found traces of a civilization and of a fauna which has led anthropologists to assign them to the end of the Mousterien or beginning of the Aurignacien Period [40,000 to 28,000 years ago]. French anthopologist Dr. Verneau, who has published the results of a minute examination of these two ancient individuals, from various features seen in the skeletons, had no hesitation in assigning them to a Negroid race.

I shall confine myself, in discussing this question, to those fragmentary Human skulls from the caves of Engis in the valley of the Meuse, in Belgium, which have been examined with so much care by Sir Charles Lyell; upon whose high authority I shall take it for granted, that the Engis skull belonged to a contemporary of the Mammoth and of the woolly Rhinoceros. The skull from the cave of Engis was originally discovered by Professor Schmerling, and was described by him, together with other human remains disinterred at the same time, in his valuable work, " Recherches sur les Ossemens fossiles decouverts dans les Cavernes de la Province de Liege, published in 1833 (p. 59, et seq.), from which the following paragraphs are extracted, the precise expressions of the author being, as far as possible, preserved. 
In order to neglect no point respecting the form of this fossil skull, we may observe that, from the first, the elongated and narrow form of the forehead attracted our attention. In fact, the slight elevation of the frontal, its narrowness, and the form of the orbit, approximate it more nearly to the cranium of an Ethiopian than to that of a European.

The Grimaldi Negroids have left their numerous traces all over Europe and Asia, from the Iberian Peninsula to Lake Baykal in Siberia, passing through France, Austria, the Crimea, and the Basin of Don, etc. In these last two regions, the late Soviet Professor Mikhail Gerasimov, a scholar of rare objectivity, identified the Negroid type from skulls found in the Middle Mousterian period.

What is of note is that since the eurocentricks people have both simultaneously 
tried to claim that they come from central asia and that they are indigenous peoples of europe they have caught themself in a big old lie and erased their true central asian history.

First they claim that black people moved from tropical africa into the desert of the middle east (which are hotter than tropical africa) and then became white skinned and moved into Europe.  This claim is ridiculous on several levels, but mainly we should not be finding all these negroid types in ancient Europe like la brana man, who is a black skin blue eyed african man found in spain dating back to 7000 years ago

In fact most scientist have long ago dropped the claim for the reason that virtually all of the northern and far southern near artic or sub artic and ant artic peoples are dark skinned except for germanic immigrants who populate northern Europe of today.

So this leaves the eurocentricks engaging in mental gymnastics, the evidence is all showing ancient europe being originally inhabited by a black hamitic negroid or africoid peoples like the boy above. But if they admit it, it is admitting that their predecessors lied and erased the whites true central asian history and that their current history is a stolen false one stolen from black europeans. 
For instance, no one knows why the Huns pushed the germanics and slavs out of Asia and worked so hard to eliminate them or what it was the white central asians did to the east asian han type peoples to cause this.

So then who are white people. Albinoid Dravidian Indians. Indians in the broadest sense of the word including Pakistanis, Afghanis and so on.

Note the dark skin mother and father with all white skinned blue eyed blond and ginger children. This is a mutuation in the P gene it was these people who interbred and moved from Northern Afghanistan and Pakistan into Kazakstan. Eventually chased off for reasons the eurocentricks will not release and may have destroyed. 
Given that the germanics and slavics and dorians and italics never invented 
writing the real white history of whites in central asia has essentially been 


  1. >>The Pelasgic Empire was at its meridian as early as 2500
    B. c. This people came from the islands of the AEgean, and more
    remotely from Asia Minor.<<

    Publication and date, if you would?

    >>They were originally a branch of
    the sunburnt Hamitic stock, that laid the basis of civilization
    in Canaan and Mesopotamia, destined later to be Semitized.<<

    This may be so. The term "Hamites" though is a sociolinguistic term. Technically, they must mean northeast african *afro-asiatic* speakers. and yes, there were a sunburned people considering where they lived, but they also would have had some african admixture from the start.

    >>Its obvious the barbarians are refering to the barbarians tribes from central asia also known as the white people or germanics that the Romans would give the same name.<<

    Where do you read that so called germanics came from central asia at a time when the romans would know about it? publication/sources?

    >>But what is important here is that Herodutus makes it clear the original Greeks were a branch of the Pelasgic race of peoples.<<

    Well enough, but who were these so called *pelasgians* related with?

    >> A black African race of peoples closely associated with the Niger-Congoan speaking mande and mandinka peoples of West Africa who moved into north africa and along with neighbouring black africans like the garamantes and carians moved into Greece to create the greek civilization.<<

    This is certainly a fascinating possibly. but where is the evidence for mande and malinke influx into aegean areas? and also, if they went to greece, they would have had to be everwhere in southern europe. it makes no sense to sail all the way to the aegean and not settle even nearer parts of the mediterranean. which publications have been (recently) investigating this matter?


    But we are talking here about the paleolithic. Grimaldi could have come from namibia or or south africa, but since it was so deep in the paleolithic would it even make any difference now? We know that europe couldnt have always been light and white skinned, it had to evolve. that much is uncontroversial.


    -Duttamachandro Illamahal Xianshan

    1. #3 reply....
      Do these people forget there are temperate climates in Africa and even cold ones that snow and still have dark skin black people like in south Africa, Zimbabwe,Kenya and Tanzania? Europe never evolved, the modern whites have as much European ancestry as they do native Indian or Chinese ancestry. They are central asian people who arrived in waves in the AD period. Countries like Greece and Italy are hot, they would not produce white. As I said they are basically intergenerational albino north Indian peoples (broad sense of Indian including north Pakistan, afghans etc) look at the photo I posted showing the dark skin Indian parents having like 10 blonde hair blue eyed children. This is the real origin of the white race, not Europe, not Africans who skin turned white. Plain old albinism who interbred because there is a myth of albinos being cursed so no colored people wanted to touch them. If black people really do turn white from moderate climate, can you explain to me why there are no indigenous white groups in south Africa which has been inhabited since nearly the beginning of human history and has a more moderate climate than Italy and Greece. And given that most of human history was in an ice age you should have no problem finding me all the indigenous white west Africans too because it did snow there alot during that period especially in the mountains and high hills. It is known for a fact that most of the gemanics came from central asia some like the Alans name and language is even highly related to modern central Asians like the Iranians. (alans come from Aryans)
      Alemany pp. 5–7

    2. >>It is known for a fact that most of the gemanics came from central asia some like the Alans name and language is even highly related to modern central Asians like the Iranians.<<

      Known fact? known by whom for example? The germanic languages belong to the centum branch of the indo european, while iranian belongs to the satem branch. theres no possible way any *germans* came from central asia or anyplace prior to the loss of the centum-satem isogloss, and we can take that back at least 600 years B.C.. we have one far flung exception called tocharian, a language related to *celtic* called *tocharian A* and *tocharian B*. nevertheless it did not stem from the brythonic (P) keltic or goidelic (Q) insular keltic group.

      now let me have your sources. id love to compare notes.


    3. By every expert in Roman history or anyone well read on the issue. But of course you REFUSE to read so it is no surprise you do not know this. I suggest you go watch some history channel or discovery channel and you will see dozens of historians talking on: the barbarians or enemies of rome (title names) about germanics coming from central asia and appearing near the danube around earyl ad period.

      Germanics indeed come from central Asia. I have already presented you direct evidence on the alans but you cannot read english so you ignored it. The source is above your post.

  2. >>The Pelasgic Empire was at its meridian as early as 2500
    B. c. This people came from the islands of the AEgean, and more
    remotely from Asia Minor.<<

    “Publication and date, if you would?”
    Read the blog. Its there

    >>They were originally a branch of
    the sunburnt Hamitic stock, that laid the basis of civilization
    in Canaan and Mesopotamia, destined later to be Semitized.<<

    “This may be so. The term "Hamites" though is a sociolinguistic term. Technically, they must mean northeast african *afro-asiatic* speakers. and yes, there were a sunburned people considering where they lived, but they also would have had some african admixture from the start.”

    This is partially correct, Professor Dunn makes it clear that the Greeks spoke and still speak a niger-congoan African language rooted in west Africa. You’ll have to read the entire blog, there are no shortcuts here man, sorry. If your not willing to read the entire blog to learn why should I continue to spoon feed you, this is the last day of spoon feeding you’ll get, then your on your own.

    >>Its obvious the barbarians are refering to the barbarians tribes from central asia also known as the white people or germanics that the Romans would give the same name.<<

    “Where do you read that so called germanics came from central asia at a time when the romans would know about it? publication/sources?”
    This is very basic information it’d be like asking me for proof that Americans speak English. I am starting to suspect much of this discussion is going over your head.

    >>But what is important here is that Herodutus makes it clear the original Greeks were a branch of the Pelasgic race of peoples.<<

    Well enough, but who were these so called *pelasgians* related with?

    >> A black African race of peoples closely associated with the Niger-Congoan speaking mande and mandinka peoples of West Africa who moved into north africa and along with neighbouring black africans like the garamantes and carians moved into Greece to create the greek civilization.<<

    “This is certainly a fascinating possibly. but where is the evidence for mande and malinke influx into aegean areas? and also, if they went to greece, they would have had to be everwhere in southern europe. it makes no sense to sail all the way to the aegean and not settle even nearer parts of the mediterranean. which publications have been (recently) investigating this matter?”
    Well for one the ancient Greek language has been decoded by 3 professors, one French, one America and one new Zealander in Oxbridge. Basically the ancient Greek language is mutually intelligible with modern niger congoan languages as it can be read and has been decoded as such by people from west Africa although indo-europeans cannot read and couldn’t solve its mystery for a long time so declared it a linguistic isolate (Which is what they did with all niger-congoan African language found in south Europe and turkey and the ancient near east for the past 80 years or so). The language is the most obvious one. And yes you are right, and as I said, all the experts who agree the ancient Greeks were indeed black also agree that the ancient Etruscans were black as well as both spoke niger congoan languages. There are plenty of other clues besides the art which features mostly black people, and the language you also have the religion. For instance Athena, capital of Greece is Greek version of the Egyptian godess

  3. Neith or nth; they are the same root word in Niger Congoan. We see this in many other key and crucial figures. The founders or “Rediscoverers” in the modern period Heinrich Schelimann and Arthur Evans both admitted and agreed that the Minoans were indeed black and the former went there to disprove it but said “on the question of the race of the ancient Greeks at Crete, I can indeed confirm that they are no doubt negroes”(Rogers). The later said in a speech in New York lecture that “future students of antiquity will have to deal with the issue of the first European civilization being one bourne out from black Africa”. In fact it was Evans view that the ancient cretean peoples were themselves ancient Egyptians. Further if you looked and read the blog you’d see I already provided the dna evidence showing a large migration supported by peer reviewed science and dna from European university showing the influx of Africans into the Aegean, south and central Europe about 8k years ago.

    Well there has been substantial investigation on this, it is largely settled in the academic community of those of us who have conducted dna test on the ancient Greeks and Etruscans. I for one have sat on dna projects that have tested over 150 individuals from ancient Greece and Rome in the pre-indo-european periods (1000 bc and before based on carbon dating). When they dna results came back showing black African e1b, the head of the department refused to publish the result and they just got sat on and right now sit in a vault in a major North American university. The last dna test done showed the Minoans dna was highest in a haplogroup most common in dark skin black Libyans from the south (garamantes) which is consistent with the history because we know a large influx of garamantes moved into ancient Greece from Africa. These garamantes are a mande related people. They are actually the gara-mandes but the t/s and d/s become often interchangeable in these type of languages. I believe at some point in the next 50 years the majority of the dna test will be released and the question will be definitively settled.


    “But we are talking here about the paleolithic. Grimaldi could have come from namibia or or south africa, but since it was so deep in the paleolithic would it even make any difference now? We know that europe couldnt have always been light and white skinned, it had to evolve. that much is uncontroversial.”

    Yes because the claim is falsely that black Africans moved into Europe and turned white. But all the ancient Europeans are coming back as black skinned individuals. Even La barna man from just 7000 years ago came back with the same dark skin gene as African Americans. Hence if from the Paleolithic to the end of the Neolithic you still have a black skin European it debunks the idea that blacks turn white by moving into a temperate climate! The so called evolving black man turning white is a myth created to hide white peoples central asian history. I do not speak central asian languages, so I don’t know the real reason whites left there for Europe. If you read the blog you will see where white people admit the original whites (indo-europeans) are from central asia and show where and how they spread across asia into Europe. Now bear in mind between Europe and Central Asia would be black, so by the time many of the indo-europeans reach Europe and turkey between 1500bc or so we are really talking about mulattos or people who basically look black. But speak a indo-european language. It wasn’t until the big waves of Germanic and slavics started pouring in the ad period did you get a white majority.

    1. And remember, when you submit your sources for scrutiny, you might want to make sure I can actually read them and that the authors have published works under real names and have been cited and reviewed by a number of other academics.
      someone like *Graham Campbell-Dunn* is what i consider a lone wolf. no one has heard of him and even knows what his resume of publications as his curriculum vitae is.

      also dont touch the shitlist. hose are primarily sites with no given authors and no reputation and they are troll sites that web trolls will use as a defense. some major ones are,


    2. It sounds like you want me to do your homework for you. If you don't have a book would you like me to buy it, read it for you and send it to your house as well?

      You can consider Gjk Campbell-Dunn a "lone wolf" I really don't care what you consider there are over a dozen professors who have written books supporting his view. You claim no one has heard of him yet he is a professor with dozens of published books, from a highly prestigious school and articles about him can be easily found on the internet.

      You have not heard of him simply because you are a novice on the subject. You didn't even know the Germanics come from central Asia and you want to talk about ancient greece. Please get some education.

      Websites run by teams of professors and experts like realhistoryww and stewartsynopsis are not troll sites. A troll is what you are asking me questions in the article because your too lazy.... or possibly too stupid... to read anything not in the comment section.

    3. First, lets address this statement:

      >>>Websites run by teams of professors and experts like realhistoryww and stewartsynopsis are not troll sites<<

      Teams of professors you say? Where are their names? Their names arent published with their work and it is authorless. Why might that be? Have a clue?

      >>A troll is what you are asking me questions in the article because your too lazy.... or possibly too stupid... to read anything not in the comment section.<<

      Now I'm the troll? That's really rational. haha. All of my first comments were actually on the articles themselves. I like to address things point by point, as that is the scientific method. I had told you about the indo europeans but you seem yo have ignored that. also i had told you about how germanics relate to the indo europeans but ignored that as well.want to address these now?

      >>You didn't even know the Germanics come from central Asia and you want to talk about ancient greece. Please get some education.<<

      Germanics didnt come from central asia. They actually came from Scandinavia, and early. And IF you are talking about the time that Germanics would have been proto-germanics, they would eithetr have been on the Kurgan steppe or, you got it, in europe. So where are you getting this central asia notion?

      >>You can consider Gjk Campbell-Dunn a "lone wolf" I really don't care what you consider there are over a dozen professors who have written books supporting his view.<<

      Oh yeah? Well if so, then they must not be very academicaly respected because I cannot find such professors because I been conducting searches within university citation databses as well as through the public system, And no more than 2 unique authors have popped up. dude by the name if *Clyde Ahmad Winters*, another is *Winters, C A*

      also Campbell-Dunn has a dozed books not accessable in digitized format and limited to only a half dozen libraries worldwide. plus they have been unreviewed.

      Care to clarify any of this or am I simply too stupid to hold an objection?

      By the way, where have you published your books? You have quote enough on this blog alone to to have written one. any in the works? and what is your name btw?



  4. This is getting interesting because:

    >>Even La barna man from just 7000 years ago came back with the same dark skin gene as African Americans. Hence if from the Paleolithic to the end of the Neolithic you still have a black skin European it debunks the idea that blacks turn white by moving into a temperate climate!<<

    Okay, so lets for a moment suppose that white skin has nothing whatsoever to do with climate. my question would then be what purpose ligher shades of skin would serve. including asian people like tungus and paleosiberians as well?

    >>The so called evolving black man turning white is a myth created to hide white peoples central asian history. <<

    Lets suppose that white came from central asia, tell me what it is they are trying to cover up or "hide" as you put it?

    >>If you read the blog you will see where white people admit the original whites (indo-europeans) are from central asia and show where and how they spread across asia into Europe.<<

    Prove it! Prove to me that *indo europeans* were the *original* whites, or that they spread from central asia into europe. I have never read that anywhere. what encyclopaedia do you use? The indo european urheimat is supposedly between the north caucasus and the volga and comprising the Kurgan cultures of the samara, seroglazovo, and sredny stog and *Yamna* cultures. Apart from the kurgan hypothesis, you have the *anatolian hypothesis*, which places the proto indo europeans in asia minor, that is modern day turkey.

    >>Now bear in mind between Europe and Central Asia would be black, so by the time many of the indo-europeans reach Europe and turkey between 1500bc or so we are really talking about mulattos or people who basically look black.<<

    I'd love to see a source for those claims as well. you will have to remember that before the indo europeans existed there were the *proto indo europeans*. the urheimat is the pontic steppe which extends from the Ukraine to the Kazakh steppe. and we are discussing only the ethnogenesis of the indo europeans and NOT the evolution of fair complexioned peoples, right?

    >>But speak a indo-european language. It wasn’t until the big waves of Germanic and slavics started pouring in the ad period did you get a white majority.<<

    haha.... so you think that it was the A.D. period and the volkwanderings only when depigmented people began appearing in europe? and you think whites were in *central asia* prior to that event? plus you think the *original* whites were indo europeans? And who were the autochthonous europeans around this time?
    source/references please? I have a library card and i plan to go tomorrow if you will give me some sources i can research on my own time.


    1. This is getting interesting because:

      >>Even La barna man from just 7000 years ago came back with the same dark skin gene as African Americans. Hence if from the Paleolithic to the end of the Neolithic you still have a black skin European it debunks the idea that blacks turn white by moving into a temperate climate!<<

      “Okay, so lets for a moment suppose that white skin has nothing whatsoever to do with climate. my question would then be what purpose ligher shades of skin would serve. including asian people like tungus and paleosiberians as well?”

      White skin serves no purpose.

      >>The so called evolving black man turning white is a myth created to hide white peoples central asian history. <<

      “Lets suppose that white came from central asia, tell me what it is they are trying to cover up or "hide" as you put it?”
      This is a good question but it was already answered in the blog. Unfortunately I don’t have the answer because in stealing or attempting to steal the black history of Europe the central asian albinos had largely erased their own true history. So it is either not public (ie being held back) or was destroyed. Add on to that the only civilizations to develop writing in Europe were the 2 black ones, Greece and rome. The Slavic and Germanic tribes never learned writing until contact with Rome and some of them were still largely illiterate by 1000 ad this is why they were called barbarians. All we know is they did provoke many of the East Asian people because the Hunns drove them out of central asia.

      >>If you read the blog you will see where white people admit the original whites (indo-europeans) are from central asia and show where and how they spread across asia into Europe.<<

      “Prove it! Prove to me that *indo europeans* were the *original* whites, or that they spread from central asia into europe. I have never read that anywhere. what encyclopaedia do you use? The indo european urheimat is supposedly between the north caucasus and the volga and comprising the Kurgan cultures of the samara, seroglazovo, and sredny stog and *Yamna* cultures. Apart from the kurgan hypothesis, you have the *anatolian hypothesis*, which places the proto indo europeans in asia minor, that is modern day turkey.”
      Read the blog the proof is there, from start to end. I cannot post 167 pages of a blog in the comments section for you.

      >>Now bear in mind between Europe and Central Asia would be black, so by the time many of the indo-europeans reach Europe and turkey between 1500bc or so we are really talking about mulattos or people who basically look black.<<

      “I'd love to see a source for those claims as well. you will have to remember that before the indo europeans existed there were the *proto indo europeans*. the urheimat is the pontic steppe which extends from the Ukraine to the Kazakh steppe. and we are discussing only the ethnogenesis of the indo europeans and NOT the evolution of fair complexioned peoples, right?”
      Read the blog.

      >>But speak a indo-european language. It wasn’t until the big waves of Germanic and slavics started pouring in the ad period did you get a white majority.<<

      “haha.... so you think that it was the A.D. period and the volkwanderings only when depigmented people began appearing in europe? and you think whites were in *central asia* prior to that event? plus you think the *original* whites were indo europeans? And who were the autochthonous europeans around this time?
      source/references please? I have a library card and i plan to go tomorrow if you will give me some sources i can research on my own time.”
      Read the blog. I already explained to you in another article that the original Europeans were black and you actually agreed (claiming it would have taken some time for them to become white). Its all sourced and referenced, I assume you cannot read English if you can’t read the blog so I will not waste any more time answering questions that are already posted in the blog.


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