Tuesday 18 February 2014

Why are arabs "Caucasians"

the eurocentricks insist that race is a function of climate. They ignore the fact that all of north hemisphere's indigenous peoples, and most southernly located people are brown skinned and not white until very recently where the modern internet age has proven white skin has nothing to do with cold or lack of vitamin d or lack of sun. White skin has no known benefit that scientist can distinguish except possibly being thicker. Not only can it not tolerate sun, it cannot tolerate cold nor constant snow environment because they get snow sun burn. Snow reflects the rays of the sun at 90-95% so even a low uv like lets say 5.5 now become a scortching 10.75 or so on the uv scale.

Does it really make sense that the indigenous people from the hottest country on the planet have pink skin lighter than most white central asians aka "white europeans" ?

We need not leave Western Asia and Egypt; we find there Turks ruling over nations to the race of which they do not belong, although they have adopted their religion.

With, an Introductory Note by William C. Winslow, D.D., D.C.L. 
LL.D., Vice-President of the Egypt Exploration Fund for the United States


Page 28

Do you realize that he is calling turks and west asians and egyptians different races. Modern Turks and Egyptians, turko egyptians, the non black egyptians who form the majority of the nation today or the so called 98% arab-egyptians, are for the most part physically indistinguishable from turks. I posted in a thread " European slavery in Africa" and I show this. Not by any stretch of the imagination could modern turko "Arabs" from morocco, egypt, turkey arabia, iraq and all the other liars be perceived as of different races.

In 1922 Egypt was granted limited independence, and on March 15, the Sultan Ahmad Fuad, son of the Turkish Khedive (Viceroy), Ismail Pasha, became King Fuad I of Egypt.

On Feb.1,1958, Egypt and Syria proclaimed the two countries to be the United "Arab" Republic (U.A.R.). The union ended on Sept. 28, 1961, when Syria, following a military coup, declared itself independent of Egypt. Despite the dissolution of the union, Egypt retained the name United Arab Republic until Sept. 2, 1971, when it took its current name the "Arab Republic of Egypt".
dr. kwaku
And just like that egyptians went from turkish to arab.

We can also clearly see in the early 1900s and 1800s all the turko arabs who poured into the black arab nations. Photos like this show people of the same tribe with clearly distinct races.

I already showed previously where saladin was portrayed as a black man (in blue) or bla man

Saladin was the leader of the arab empire and one of the most important ones.

True Mahra Arabs

dr Wessely muhammad expert professor in islamic studies tells us

Modern Turko arabs admit they are from turkey and copied black arab culture
Bertram Thomas, historian and former Prime Minister of Muscat and Oman, reported in his work ‘The Arabs’:

“The original inhabitants of Arabia…were not the familiar Arabs of our time but a very much darker people. A proto-negroid belt of mankind stretched across the ancient world from Africa to Malaya. This belt…(gave) rise to the Hamitic peoples of Africa, to the Dravidian peoples of India, and to an intermediate dark people inhabiting the Arabian peninsula. In the course of time two big migrations of fair-skinned peoples came from the north…to break through and transform the dark belt of man beyond India (and) to drive a wedge between India and Africa…The more virile invaders overcame the dark-skinned peoples, absorbing most of them, driving others southwards…The cultural condition of the newcomers is unknown. It is unlikely that they were more than wild hordes of adventurous hunters.

The indigenous peoples of Arabia, including the Arabs, are African peoples. The Encyclopedia Britannica (9th Edition) correctly points out:

“(Regarding) [t]he origin of the Arab race…the first certain fact on which to base our investigations is the ancient and undoubted division of the Arab race into two branches, the ‘Arab’ or pure; and the ‘Mostareb’ or adscititions…A second fact is, that everything in pro-Islamitic literature and record…concurs in representing the first settlement of the ‘pure’ Arabs as made on the extreme south-western point of the peninsula, near Aden, and then spreading northward and eastward…A third is the name Himyar, or ‘dusky’…a circumstance pointing, like the former, to African origin. A fourth is the Himyaritic language language…(The preserved words) are African in character, often in identity. Indeed, the dialect commonly used along the south-eastern coast hardly differs from that used by the (Somali) Africans on the opposite shore…Fifthly, it is remarkable that where the grammar of the Arabic, now spoken by the ‘pure’ Arabs, differs from that of the north, it approaches to or coincides with the Abyssinian…Sixthly, the pre-Islamitic institutions of Yemen and its allied provinces-its monarchies, courts, armies, and serfs-bear a marked resemblance to the historical Africao-Egyptian type, even to modern Abyssinian. Seventhly, the physical conformation of the pure-blooded Arab inhabitants of Yemen, Hadramaut, Oman, and the adjoining districts-the shape and size of head, the slenderness of the lower limbs, the comparative scantiness of hair, and other particulars-point in an African rather than an Asiatic direction. Eighthly, the general habits of the people,-given to sedentary rather than nomade occupations, fond of village life, of society, of dance and music; good cultivators of the soil, tolerable traders, moderate artisans, but averse to pastoral pursuits-have much more in common with those of the inhabitants of the African than with those of the western Asiatic continent. Lastly, the extreme facility of marriage which exists in all classes of the southern Arabs with the African races; the fecundity of such unions; and the slightness or even absence of any caste feeling between the dusky ‘pure’ Arab and the still darker native of modern Africa…may be regarded as pointing in the direction of a community of origin.”
I accept whites or chinese can be arabs in the sense of culture like any race can be a hispanic, but its only pure historical deceit and lies that cause one to make statements like black aren't arabs.

1 comment:

  1. and when i said *phenotype* I mean his facial features and expression. His compexion is dark, which may be naturally dark or a combination of sunburn, or all sunburn. who knows..



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