Tuesday 11 February 2014

Ethiopians of Asia

The ancient writers make it clear that even by around 400 bc there were TWO ETHIOPIAS! One in the West inAfrica and the Arabian Pennisula, and one in the East In Iran, India and Iraq

Pliny and Ctesias place the macrobians in India. But it is clear the Macrobians were Ethiopian or Sudanese black settlers of India, rather than non blacks or indo-Indians as Herodotus places the kingdom in Africa prior to that. We know the Macrobians practiced mummifaction that involved emballing which was more of a West African practice introduced into Egypt and East Africa through them (ie uan magghaia) or the black mummy. Rennell 1830, Reclus 1886, Schweinfurth and Lejean 1862 all make it quiet clear the Macrobians were black Africans from either Ethiopia or Sudan including the Atbarah.

The “Ethiopians” According to Diodorus Siculus

Diodorus Siculus, The Library of History, Books II.35 – IV.58, Translated by C.H. Oldfather, Harvard University Press, 2000

Now the Ethiopians, as historians relate, were the first of all men and the proofs of this statement, they say, are manifest. For that they did not come into their land as immigrants from abroad but were natives of it and so justly bear the name of “autochthones” is, they maintain, conceded by practically all men; furthermore, that those who dwell beneath the noon-day sun were, in all likelihood, the first to be generated by the earth, is clear to all; since, inasmuch as it was the warmth of the sun which, at the generation of the universe, dried up the earth when it was still wet and impregnated it with life, it is reasonable to suppose that the region which was nearest the sun was the first to bring forth living creatures. And they say that they were the first to be taught to honour the gods and to hold sacrifices and processions and festivals and the other rites by which men honour the deity; and that in consequence their piety has been published abroad among all men, and it is generally held that the sacrifices practised among the Ethiopians are those which are the most pleasing to heaven. As witness to this they call upon the poet who is perhaps the oldest and certainly the most venerated among the Greeks; for in the Iliad he represents both Zeus and the rest of the gods with him as absent on a visit to Ethiopia to share in the sacrifices and the banquet which were given annually by the Ethiopians for all the gods together:

For Zeus had yesterday to Ocean’s bounds

Set forth to feast with Ethiop’s faultless men,

And he was followed there by all the gods.

And they state that, by reason of their piety towards the deity, they manifestly enjoy the favour of the gods, inasmuch as they have never experienced the rule of an invader from abroad; for from all time they have enjoyed a state of freedom and of peace one with another, and although many and powerful rulers have made war upon them, not one of these has succeeded in his undertaking.
Diodorus makes it quiet clear the ethiopians dwell ABOVE the Egyptians

Cambyses, for instance, they say, who made war upon them with a great force, both lost all his army and was himself exposed to the greatest peril; Semiramis also, who through the magnitude of her undertakings and achievements has become renowned, after advancing a short distance into Ethiopia gave up her campaign against the whole nation; and Heracles and Dionysus, although they visited all the inhabited earth, failed to subdue theEthiopians alone who dwell above Egypt, both because of the piety of these men and because of the insurmountable difficulties involved in the attempt.
We know from the maps they knew modern Ethiopia was South of Egypt from the map I posted above, but it is clear that at some point in time there was a giant ethiopian empire spread out into the near east.

the Egyptians are colonists sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colonyFor, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain, was not land but sea when in the beginning the universe was being formed; afterwards, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built up from the deposit.
As to HOW the ancient ethiopians could have known this is really beyond me.
This is factually true because in the Paleogene period ending 23 million years ago the earth looked like this

By the neogene period which ended 2 million years ago and start 23 million years ago the earth looked like this

Therefore the ancient Ethiopians must have had some kind of advanced archaeology, geology or sciences or records or something to allow them to know that the earth of their current time looked different 23 million years ago.

Also the statement that all the land of the Egyptians is alluvial silt deposited by the river receives the clearest proof, in their opinion, from what takes place at the outlets of the Nile; for as each year new mud is continually gathered together at the mouths of the river, the sea is observed being thrust back by the deposited silt and the land receiving the increase.

And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians are, they hold, Ethiopian, the colonists still preserving their ancient manners. For instance, the belief that their kings are gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature are Ethiopian practices, while the shapes of their statues and the forms of their letters are Ethiopian; for of the two kinds of writing which the Egyptians have, that which is known as “popular” (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called “sacred” is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians, who learn it from their fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians everyone uses these forms of letters. Furthermore, the orders of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both peoples; for all are clean who are engaged in the service of the gods, keeping themselves shaven, like the Ethiopian priests, and having the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough and is carried by their kings, who wear high felt hats which end in a knob at the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps; and this symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be the lot of those who shall dare to attack the king to encounter death-carrying stings. Many other things are also told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything.
We must now speak about the Ethiopian writing which is called hieroglyphic among the Egyptians, in order that we may omit nothing in our discussion of their antiquities
On the Ethiopians who dwell beyond Libya and their antiquities (Book III, chaps. 1-7)
So the writer makes it quiet clear of the Ethiopians who dwell beyond libya, meaning that clearly there were large ethiopians who dwelled elsewhere

“Diodorus Siculus speaks in reference to the expedition of Agathocles a Sardinian general, of three Libyan tribes on the coast of Tunisia, the Micatani and Zufoni (see Zafan ),who were nomads and the Asfodelodi, who by the color of their skin resembled the Ethiopians” , p. 50 The Mediterranean Race Book XX, 38, 57 Guiseppe Sergi, 1901. The Micatani were also called Ukutameni and Khethim by Josephus. In later writings they are called Ketama Berbers. The name Maketa or Imakitan remains a name for the eastern branches of the Tuareg.

1st century A.D.– Marcus Valerian Martial was one of the earliest Europeans to use the phrase “woolly hair like a Moor” in one of his Satires, and the phrase was commonly used up until the Middle Ages. See Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Rogers, 1952. p. 50 The Muslim era didn’t begin until the birth of Muhammed, the Prophet, over four centuries after Martial. By the 7th century the word came to be used for Arabians who in the early era of Islam for the most part were also described as of near “black” complexion.

1st century Silius Italicus also describes the Moors with the term ‘Nigra’ meaning black. In the 3rd century Roman dramatist Platus or Plautus maintained the name Maure was a synonym for “Niger” which was a common term for the word black. 6th century Isidore Archbishop of Seville claimed the word Maure meant black according to Brunson and Runoko Rashidi in “The Moors in Antiquity” in Golden Age of the Moor, 1991.

6th A.D.- Corippus uses the phrase “facies nigroque colorus” meaning faces or appearance of black color to describe the North African Berbers. In his book Johannis, I/ 245.

6th A.D. – Procopius in his History of the Wars book IV contrasting the Germanic Vandals who had settled in North Africa with the Maures claimed the Vandals were not “black skinned like the Maurusioi” . The tribes he classified as Maurusioi are those now classified as ancient Berbers, the Numidians, Masaesyle, Gaitules, Massyles and Mezikes several other “Berber” tribes then settled between Tunisia and Morocco.

After the 8th century the term Moor came to be used for the many Arabian clans who had invaded the Mediterranean and Africa because of their complexions which were the same dark brown or near black to absolutely black color of the Berbers.

Diodorus Siculus speaks in reference to the expedition of Agathocles , of three Libyan tribes on the coast of Tunisia, the Micatani and Zufoni who were nomads and the Asfodelodi, who by the color of their skin resembled the Ethiopians” p. 50 The Mediterranean Race Book XX, 38, 57 Guiseppe Sergi

There are three tribes of Ethiopians: Hesperians, Garamantes and Indians” (See IX ii 128.in The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, Stephen A. Barney, 2006, p. 199).

“Diodorus Siculus speaks in reference to the expedition of Agathocles , of three Libyan tribes on the coast of Tunisia, the Micatani and Zufoni who were nomads and the Asfodelodi, who by the color of their skin resembled the Ethiopians” p. 50 The Mediterranean Race Book XX, 38, 57 Guiseppe Sergi

“Indeed, by the time Isidore of Seville came to write his Etymologies, the word Maurus or ‘Moor’ had become an adjective in Latin, ‘for the Greeks call black, mauron’. In Isidore’s day, Moors were black by definition…” (Staying Roman: Conquest and identity in Africa and the Mediterranean, 439-700. Jonathan Conant, 2012 Cambridge University Press.)

““An anonymous poem included in the Latin Anthology discusses a Moorish slave in strikingly similar terms: The dregs of the Garamantes have now advanced to our region and the house slave Niger …rejoices in his pitch-black body. If the voice discharged from his lips did not make him sound human, the gristly demon would terrify living men….”p. 271 Staying Roman: Conquest and identity in Africa and the Mediterranean, 439-700. Johathan Conant, 2012 Cambridge University press.

“Troops of black Numidians scour the Field, And bold Illyrians? narrow Bucklers wield; Here twang the Syrian, and the Cretan Bow, And the fierce Gauls provoke their well-known foe..From Book VII of Lucan’s Pharsalia translated into English.by N. Rowe James 1772.

Silius Italicus wrote “on his hot steed unused to curb or reign, a black Numidian prances o’er the plain” quoted by from Records of Roman History from Cnæus Pompeius to Tiberius Constantinus Volume 1 p. 357, 1860.

there are three tribes of Ethiopians: Hesperians, Garamantesand Indians” (See IX ii 128.in The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, Stephen A. Barney, 2006, p. 199).

“The Berber women are from the island of Barbara (sic), which is between the west and the south. Their color is mostly black though some pale ones can be found among them. If you can find one whose mother is of KUTAMA, whose father is of SANHAJA, and whose origin is MASMUDA, then you will find her naturally inclined to obedience and loyalty in all matters…” Ibn Butlan 11th century
name used by the ancient Greeks for Italy and by the Romans for Spain or beyond

dr clyde winters

Dr. Anna Morpurgo Davies, has made it clear that "less than 40% of the words which have an Indo-European etymology". According to Dr. Davies, 52.2 % of the Greek terms in Chantraine's Dictionnaire Etymologique de la langue Grecque (1968) have an unknown etymology. The mixed nature of the Greek language results from the early settlement of the Aegean by Blacks from Africa.

Some of these words are of African origin. Robert K.G. Temple, in The Sirius Mystery, shows that many of the most common words of the Greek vocabulary are of Egyptian origin. Diop (1991) has also discussed the Egyptian origin for many Greek terms.


Some of the first African colonists to arrive in Greece came from Crete. These Cretans were called Garamantes. After the goddess Ker or Car, these people also came to be also known as the Carians. The Carians spoke a Mande languages.

These people usually sailed to the Islands in Aegean and the surrounding coast were they established prosperous trading communities.

There is frequent mention of the Garamantes of the Fezzan, in Classical literature of Greece and Rome. The Garamantes were recognized as a Black tribe. They were known to the Greeks and Romans as dark skinned. In Ptolemy (I.8.5.,p.31) a Garamante slave was described as having a body the color of pitch or wholly black.

Graves (1980) and Leo Frobenius linked the Garamante to the ancient empire of Ghana (c.300 BC to A.D. 1100). Graves (1980) claims that the term Garamante is the Greek plural for Garama or Garamas. He said that the present Jarama or Jarma are the descendants of the Garamante; and that the Jarama live near the Niger river.

The Olympian creation myth, as recorded by Pindar in Fragment , and Apollonius Rhodius, makes it clear that the Garamantes early colonized Greece. Their descendants were called Carians. The Carians practiced apiculture. As in Africa the Carians practiced matrilineal descent. According to Herodotus , even up until his time the Carians took the name of their mother.

Many of the Greek myths are historical text which discuss the transition of Greece from an matriarchal society to a patriarchal Aryan society. The term Amazon was often used by the Aryans to denote matriarchal societies living on the Black Sea. The battle between Thesus and the Amazons, led by Queen Melanippe, records the conflicts between the ancient Aryan-Greeks and the Libyco-Nubians settled around the Black Sea.

The classical Carians and Egyptians were very close. Having originated in the Fertile African Crescent they had similar gods and cultural traditions dating back to the Proto-Saharan period.

The Garamantes founded Attica, where they worked the mines at Laureium. Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fruitfulness, came from the Fezzan (Libya) by way of Crete. It was Demeter who took poppy seeds and figs to Europe.
Some people claim none of this exist, the linguistic other similarities are just coincidence or are afro-centric. But are they really?Who was the first person in the last 200 years to write that such a nation of grand black people conquered the world? 

On the origin of the word “Blackmail,” David MacRitchie tells us that, “the expression applied by the inhabitants of Wales to the tribute exacted from their prince, Meredith, by the Danish pirates [Black Danes] of the year 987 A.D., virtually signified “black-mail.” And, moreover, “the tribute of the blacke armie” precisely phrases the tax paid by Theodosius to Rugilas, King of the Huns, five centuries before. It was black-mail. That is the origin of the term. Dane-gelt was black-mail, equally with the tribute paid to the black Huns by the Romans."
Gerald Massey (In Volume I of his work, A Book of the Beginnings claims that Stonehenge was built by a Black architect known s Morien. He says, “Now, as a Negro is still known as a MORIEN in English, may not this indicate that MORIEN belonged to the black race, the Kusheeite builders?”
"In 850 the "Blacks" seized and plundered Dublin and in the following year they defeated the "Whites" decisively at Carlingford Lough."
p. 271 Seumas MacManus, history of the irish race

Godfrey Higgins says in the first Volume of Anacalypsis, “In my Essay on The Celtic Druids, I have shewn, that a great nation called the Celtae, of whom the Druids were the priests, spread themselves almost over the whole earth, and are to be traced in their rude gigantic monuments from India to the extremity of Britain. Who these can have been but the early individuals of the black nation of whom we have been treating I know not, and in this opinion I am not singular. The learned Maurice says, "Cusheeites, i.e. Celts, built the great temples in India and Britain, and excavated the caves of the former." And the learned Mathematician, Ruben Burrow, has no hesitation in pronouncing Stonehenge to be a temple of the black, curly-headed Buddha."
Eurclowns and anti-blacks love to ignore this Harvard Professor born 10 years after the end of the civil war and died some 30+ years before black people could even vote. He was Vice President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
known as the American Academy, is one of the oldest and most prestigious honorary societies and a leading center for independent policy research in the United States. Election to the Academy is considered one of the nation’s highest honors since its founding during the American Revolution by John Adams, John Hancock, James Bowdoin and other scholar-patriots who contributed prominently to the establishment of the new nation, its government, and its Constitution.[1]
SAYS NEGROID GROUP DISCOVERED AMERICA; Dr. Dixon Startles Scientists by Asserting Black Types Were Among Indian's Ancestors.
New York times

Dr. Roland B. Dixon of Harvard said that a study of the earliest Indian skull indicated that some were descended from blacks or negroids. dr. Dixon's paper, in which he declared that negroid groups which crossed the Bering Straits were among the American Indians' ancestors, caused great stir in the anthropology section. From his statements negroid people would appear to have been the first discoverers of America. many tribes in the opinion of the speaker were largely negroid in the early times, but underwent transformation by mixing with other tribes and since the discovery of america infusion with white blood. Based on Skull Measurement. The earliest of the Iroquois and some other Indians show strong negroid features....Dr. Dixon who is a scientist of high standing...
The article gets a bit long winded but to summarize he confirms there was negroid and australoid presence all along southern asia (cambodia and tonkin and China although the evidence in china at his time was harder to find, he then goes on to explain how these negroids cross the bearing straights into america from east asia. He points out how they can be found in his day amongst the ainu and sakhalian and the aleutian.

If one follows this type geographicly from southern india, for example east and north along the asiatic corridor to the american areas in which it occurs a progressive weakening in the superficial negroid characteristics can be observed... and certain we recognized negroid characterist of skull such as nasal fossae become more and more attenuated until they almost wholly disappear. Absurd as the suggestion appears at first sight, I believe that with full archaeological material from America and Eastern Asia, the fact of a very early negroid-australoid stratum will fully substantiated.

In neolithic times the population of eastern Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, and southern, western and northwestern Russia was predominantly dolichocephalic [ie., long-headed], the proto-australoid types being everywhere apparently fundamental, mixed in the north with Proto-Negroid and Caspian, in the south mainly with Mediterranean types... although among the central and WEstern Teutons this was in large part Proto-Australoid, whereas in the eastern, such as the Goths and among the slavs, the Proto-Negroid was in the majority. (118-119) Racial History of Man

Druidical and Cyclopaean buildings scattered over the world, in almost all nations, which I soon became convinced were the works of a great nation...." [viii] All of Asia was once ruled by black people who were Buddhists [255] and these Buddhists were colonizers of Egypt and "worshipers of the Sun in Taurus". [267]

At this time [neolithic] the southern and eastern borderlands, from India to around Kamchatka, seem to have been occupied in the main by a dolichocephalic, dark-skinned, Negroid population
Dixon, Racial history of man


India and Asia

A third center of civilization with copper weapons and tools, hieroglyphic writing and domesticated animals appeared
east of Sumer, with a capital at Susa. Older writers thought that they had been a Negroid people, some moderns feel that they were probably the ancestors of the Medes
h.g. wells

None of these men are black. All are white, and all were born before 1900, many of them lived in a period when black western people were still slaves or practical slaves and couldn't read so it was just assumed they'd never see it.

...the African that first peopled the earth and gave birth to or significantly influenced the world's oldest and most magnificent civilizations.
This is the African that first entered Asia, Europe, Australia, the South Pacific, and the early Americas not as slave, but as master. We now know, based on recent scientific studies of DNA
African Humanity

Game over for the anti africanist.

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