Tuesday 11 February 2014

If the Ancient Egyptian were black why are most modern Egyptians not?

If they aren't mixed with arabs but look like arabs then it is because they are unmixed arabs lying about their ancestry.

How could the ancient egyptians share the genetics of a people many of whom have a majority white european dna who came during the ottoman, mongol, melumuk, seljuk, greek, roman, turko-arab, persia france, england etc occupation? Only a baboon would think you could be colonized from roman and greek antiquity into the modern period and maintain a pure blood line. The majority of modern egyptians are mixed with white europeans. Even the eurocentric professor disagrees with you and is forced to admit the ancient egyptians were black. You are a mental case who cannot be helped.

It also useful to add most Egyptians south of luxor would be considered dark skin black people and many in the north would be considered lighter complexion blacks

Mostafa Hefny


 An Egyptian immigrant is suing the U.S. government because they've told him he's white when his entire life he's been black.
Mostafa Hefny was born in Egypt and has always been proud of his Egyptian culture and his African ancestry. But when Hefny immigrated to America, the U.S. government told him he was no longer a black man.
"I was not told by Immigration that I was white until I passed the exam for citizenship and then I was told I am now white," he explains.
Hefny initially laughed when told of his new racial classification, but he's no longer chuckling. He recently filed suit against the U.S. government to get his race classification changed back from white to black.
"It hurts me. It definitely hurts me," Hefny says. "It hurts me because I am unable to reconcile my reality as a black person."
In addition to the emotional hurt, Hefny says that when the government changed his race, they also changed his social status.
"Definitely, I would've had more opportunity for advancement and even for hiring had I been considered black," he says. "I was prevented from applying and requesting positions and other benefits for minority person because I knew I was legally white."

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