Wednesday 19 February 2014

Reader Response, Claims Egypt stopped at Luxor the first Chinese were black

Going back to your map. How do you explain the map I provided from the university of Chicago nubia institute?
Further, your map proves nothing I didn't prove already, the border changed many times, I showed that already that at some points aswan was in nubia, and later in egypt. You attempted to falsely present that as the border being set in stone for time eternal

Ancient Egyptian border below the tropics which is below aswan and lake nasser and looks to be below the modern egyptian border extending into Sudan

Ancient Egyptians have several temples in what you call nubia.

Note Semna

It is a famous town where Senusret I in 1985 bce started to build a bunch of forts to defend egypt from nubia.

1400 bce

Egyt extends further into "nubia" beyond the fourth cataract

Temple of Egyptian Pharoah Amenhophis III in Soleb, Sudan. Lived in 1300s bce.

For more than a century, from about 1700 until 1540 BC,1 Kush controlled Lower Nubia and partially Upper Egypt. However due to lack of archeological work we do not have much evidence of the Kushite state at this period other than the evidence found in Egyptian archeology.2 Although full Egyptian hegemony was not restored until 1640 BC,3 the Theban Dynasty of Upper Egypt, with the help of Nubian-Medjayu troops from the Nubian desert,4 was able to expel the Hyksos from Lower Egypt. For insuring the security of its rule, the Dynasty decided to end the threatening Kushite expansion.
Ancient Sudan~ Nubia: History: Egyptian Conquest

Explain why Egyptian temples are in Nubia

Bust of King Ramses II from Sudan. Source: Wildung, Dietrich. Sudan: Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile.

Ancient Sudan~ Nubia: History: Egyptian Conquest

This is a temple in Abu Simbel, you tell us Egyptian border was much more north of that and Nubians are not Egyptians nor part of ancient Egypt. So it is fair to say in your opinion these temples are built by Nubians?

Your statement defy clear logic. Abu simbel and aswan remain the areas where some of the richest ancient egyptian artifacts are found and one of th etop ancient egypt tour destinations. It really doesn't matter if your map stopped at Luxor, Saqqara, Giza or Alexeandria. The Ancient Egyptians were primarily an indigenous people from the south coming from Nubia with elements of western africans who moved there as the sahara expanded. Upper and Lower Egyptians were really all just Nubians with a few west and central african elements in there.

In response, the crack addicted reader replied that dr. winters wasn't a "Real doctor" and wasn't a real professor because he claims numerous civilizations were black.

Quiet a few. Its basically mainstream african studies, he is a top leading researcher in the field but his work is supported by dozens of professors like Ivan Van sertima, Theofile Obenga, C.A. Diop, prof. Campbell dunn, prof. prof. Runoko Rashidi, prof. Chancelor williams, dr Yosef Ben Joachim, dr Barry Fell, dr kwaku, professor Nashid Al-Amin, dr s.o.y keita, dr. frank snowden jr with dual degrees from harvard in classical studies and wrote many books on blacks in classical greece and rome like Blacks in Antiquity: Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experience (1970), that received the Charles J. Goodwin Award of Merit of the American Philological Association, The Image of the Black in Western Art I: From the Pharaohs to the Fall of the Roman Empire, whom he co-authored (1976), and Before Color Prejudice: The Ancient View of Blacks (1983). Dr David Imohotep, Scholars like Gert Miller and Amu m Bantu have provided valuable photo research as Egmond Codfried and Dr. Joyce Sligh, Dr. Patricia McGraw, Dr. Nana Banchie Darkwah, dr hermel hermenstein, John G Jackson, John Henrik Clarke, Enon Matthews, Asa Grant Hilliard III;leo Wiener

Leo Wiener, a linguist at Harvard University, had earlier "stumbled upon a body of linguistic phenomena that indicated clearly to him the presence of an African and Arabic influence on some medieval Mexican and South American languages before the European contact period
Dr von wuthenau
Von Wuthenau, an art historian and archaeologist at the University of the Americas in Mexico City, had unearthed many terracotta sculptures of 'Negroid' heads in clay, gold, copper and copal. Van Sertima notes that the layers of soil in which these African sculptures were found "ranged from the earliest American civilisations right through to the Columbian contact period".
Professor Caroyln cooper
[IMG]Carolyn Cooper is a professor of literary and cultural studies at the University of the West Indies, Mona.[/IMG]

Jamaican gleaner (quotes)

Professor Gaoussou DIAWARA

An African emperor who ruled Mali in the 14th century discovered America nearly 200 years before Christopher Columbus, according to a book to be launched this month.

Abubakari II ruled what was arguably the richest and largest empire on earth - covering nearly all of West Africa.

Our aim is to bring out hidden parts of history

Khadidjah Dire
According to a Malian scholar, Gaoussou Diawara in his book, 'The Saga of Abubakari II...he left with 2000 boats', the emperor gave up all power and gold to pursue knowledge and discovery.

Abubakari's ambition was to explore whether the Atlantic Ocean - like the great River Niger that swept through Mali - had another 'bank'.

In 1311, he handed the throne over to his brother, Kankou Moussa, and set off on an expedition into the unknown.

His predecessor and uncle, Soundjata Keita, had already founded the Mali empire and conquered a good stretch of the Sahara Desert and the great forests along the West African coast.
BBC News | AFRICA | Africa's 'greatest explorer'
More or less it is accepted as mainstream history in most of mali and the surrounding nations and most of africa that they arrived before colombus and in the scholarship there so most of the professors in Mali.

Prof Molefi Kete Asante, prof Ama Mazam, Dr. George G. M. James, historians Drusilla Dunjee Houston, J.A. Rogers and Arthur Alfonso Schomburg, technically not ph.dès but at the time they were around most antiquites experts did not have ph.ds nor did most people who wrote the leading research at the time. Dr. Booker T. Coleman, Dr. Phil Valentine, Dr. Claud Anderson you can see this in hidden colors and hidden colors 2.

Arthur Evans and Henrich Schlemann the fathers of aegean civilization both recorded as believing the ancient Greeks (minoans) were black africans.

THOMAS BROPHY, Ph.D; ROBERT BAUVAL; Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.; Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D, George G. M. James, in Black Spark, White Fire: Did African Explorers Civilize Ancient Europe? Richard Poe (although not a dr) uses numerous professors to support his research, so the book is a good source.

Prof tony martin, prof chinua abache

Ancient Black Chinese From East Africa

by Professor Jin Li - Fudan University Shanghai
An international study has found that the Chinese people originated not from Peking Man in northern China, but from early humans in East Africa who moved through South Asia to China some 100,000 years ago, Hong Kongs Ming Pao daily reported yesterday in a finding that confirms the single origin theory in anthropology.

According to the newspaper, a research team led by Jin Li (of Fudan University in Shanghai has found that modern humans evolved from a single origin, not multiple origins as some experts believe.

In China, school textbooks teach that the Chinese race evolved from Peking Man, based on a theory that humans in Europe and Asia evolved from local species.

But Jin and his fellow researchers found that early humans belonged to different species, of which only the East African species developed into modern humans.

This new finding nullifies the theory that the ancestors of the Chinese people were Peking Man who lived in northern China 400,000 years ago.

Based on DNA analyses of 100,000 samples gathered from around the world, a number of human families evolved in East Africa some 150,000 years ago, said Li Hui, a member of Jins team.

About 100,000 years ago, some of those humans began to leave Africa, with some people moving to China via South and Southeast Asia, Li said.

According to the newspaper article, it has been proven that the 65 branches of the Chinese race share similar DNA mutations with the peoples of East and Southeast Asia.

It said that the Shanghai scientists were part of an international team comprised of researchers from Russia, India, Brazil and other nations in a five-year project studying the geographic and genealogical routes related to the spread and settlement of modern humans.

PROFESSOR JIN LI - Fudan University Shanghai

Fudan Office
Liren Biology Building, Rm 220
School of Life Sciences
Fudan University
220 Handan Rd.
Shanghai 200433, China
86-21-65642800 (Office)
In honor of the Little Black People

The Saisiyat tribe of Hsinchu and Miaoli will perform a solemn rite this weekend to commemorate a race of people that they exterminated

By Jules Quartly,
November 27, 2004

Drinking, singing and dancing are expected to take place deep in the mountains of Miaoli and Hsinchu when the "Ritual of the Little Black People" is performed by the Saisiyat tribe once again this weekend.

For the past 100 years or so, the Saisiyat tribe has performed the songs and rites of the festival to bring good harvests, ward off bad luck and keep alive the spirit of a race of people who are said to have preceded all others in Taiwan.

In fact, the short, black men the festival celebrates are one of the most ancient types of modern humans on this planet and their kin still survive in Asia today. They are said to be diminutive Africoids and are variously called Pygmies, Negritos and Aeta. They are found in the Philippines, northern Malaysia, Thailand, Sumatra in Indonesia and other places.

Chinese historians called them "black dwarfs" in the Three Kingdoms period (AD 220 to AD 280) and they were still to be found in China during the Qing dynasty (1644 to 1911). In Taiwan they were called the "Little Black People" and, apart from being diminutive, they were also said to be broad-nosed and dark-skinned with curly hair. - Ancient Chinese

Chinese historians called them "black dwarfs" in the Three Kingdoms period (AD 220 to AD 280) and they were still to be found in China during the Qing dynasty (1644 to 1911). In Taiwan they were called the "Little Black People" and, apart from being diminutive, they were also said to be broad-nosed and dark-skinned with curly hair.
After the Little Black People -- and well before waves of Han migrations after 1600 -- came the Aboriginal tribes, who are part of the Austronesian race. They are thought to have come from the Malay Archipelago 6,000 years ago at the earliest and around 1,000 years ago at the latest, though theories on Aborigine migration to Taiwan are still hotly debated. Gradually the Little Black People became scarcer, until a point about 100 years ago, when there was just a small group living near the Saisiyat tribe.
The story goes that the Little Black People taught the Saisiyat to farm by providing seeds and they used to party together. But one day, the Little Black People sexually harassed some Aboriginal women. So, the Saisiyat took revenge and killed them off by cutting a bridge over which they were all crossing. Just two Little Black People survived. Before departing eastward, they taught the Saisiyat about their culture and passed down some of their songs, saying if they did not remember their people they would be cursed and their crops would fail.

A spokeswoman at the Council of Indigenous Peoples (under the Executive Yuan) said that those who have "unclean thoughts" have their souls snatched by the spirits of the Little Black People and will pass out until the shaman revives them.
Miles said the shaman seemed to serve a public-order function by chasing off those who were too drunk or out of order.
The ceremonies are held in two places. The ritual began yesterday in Nanchuang Township, Miaoli County, and will carry on there until Monday. Rituals start today in Wufeng Township, Hsinchu County, and will last through tomorrow.
In honor of the Little Black People - Taipei Times

Clearly you are a historically inept person. You complete lack of knowledge of history, black chinese are still in china today and considered indigenous people. The han chinese are relatively recent to the region. You have not seen places like papua new guinea which are asian and border indonesia and did not become overun with han so is 98% black majority today. The chinese historians and chinese researchers and professors make it clear who the original chinese were little black men. Professor Clyde Winters did research and found this. You have done and call him a fool. You cannot be a professor and write a book ho you write a post, with no sources, every statement has to be sourced. I foyu read his works or books youèd see this.

H. Imbert, a French anthropoligist who lived in the Far East, says in "Les Negritos de la Chine".

"The Negroid races peopled at some time all the South of India, Indo-China and China. The South of Indo-China actually has now pure Negritos as the Semangs and mixed as the Malays and the Sakais..."
Similarly, this scholar declares:
"In the earliest Chinese history, several texts in classic books spoke of these diminutive blacks; thus the Tcheu-Li composed under the dynasty of Tcheu (1122-249 B. C.) gives a description of the inhabitants with black and oily skin...
The Prince Liu-Nan, who died in 122 B.C.,speaks of a kingdom of diminutive blacks in the southwest of China."

Moreover, he states:
"In the first epochs of Chinese history, the Negrito type peopled all the south of the country and even in the island of Hai-Nan, as we have attempted to prove in our study on the Negritos, on Black men of this island.

Chinese folklore speaks often of these Negroes, and mentions an Empress of China named Li (373-397A.D.), consort of the Emperor Hsiao Wn Wen, who is spoken of as being a Negro."
Professor Chang Hsing-Lang revealed in an article entitled, "The importation of Negro Slaves to China under the Tang Dynasty A.D. 618-907," that:
Even the sacred Manchu dynasty shows this Negro strain.. The lower part of the face of the Emperor Pu-yi of Manchukuo, direct descendant of the Manchu rulers of China, is most distinctly Negroid. "Chinese chroniclers report that a Negro Empire existed in the South of China at the dawn of that country's history." - Ancient Chinese

Citing the works of Kwang-Chih Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China, (Yale University Press) and Irwin Graham, Africans Abroad (Columbia University Press), R. Rashidi makes the point.

There is evidence of substantial populations of Blacks in early China. Archaeological studies have located a black substraum in the earliest periods of Chinese history, "and reports of major kingdom ruled by Blacks are frequently in Chinese documents."

Not even Chinese anthropologist agree with your no blacks in china or someone is a fool for believing ancient chinese were black.

Although the island nation of Japan is assumed by many to have been historically composed of an essentially homogenous population, the accumulated evidence places the matter in a vastly different light. A Japanese proverb states that: "For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of Black blood." Another recording of the proverb is: "Half the blood in one's veins must be Black to make a good Samurai." Sakanouye Tamura Maro, a Black man, became the first Shogun of Japan.

In China, an Africoid presence in visible from remote antiquity. The Shang, for example, China's first dynasts, are described as having "black and oily skin." The famous Chinese sage Lao-Tze was "black in complexion."

Africans launched Chinese civilisation 

The original, first, native, primitive inhabitants of China were black Africans who arrived there about 100,000 years ago and dominated the region until a few thousand years ago when the Mongol advance into that region began. These Africans who fled the Mongol onslaught can still be found in South East Asia and the Pacific Islands misnomered Nigritos or "small black men." The Agta of the Philippines is one such example. Indeed archeology, forensic and otherwise confirm that China's first two dynasties, the Xia and the Ch'ang/Sh'ang, were largely Black African with an Australoid, called "Madras Indian" or "Chamar" in Trinidad, present in small percentages. These Africans would carry an art of fighting developed in the Horn of Africa into China which today we call martial arts: Tai Chi, Kung fu and Tae Kwon Do. Even the oracle of the I-Ching came with a later African group, the Akkadians of Babylon.

Around 500 BCE an African living in India called Gautama would establish a religion called Buddhism which would come to dominate Chinese thought. Any one who is in doubt should consult Geoffrey Higgins's Anacalypsis, Albert Churchward's Origin and development of Religions, Gerald Massey's Egypt the Light of the World, Riunoko Rashidi's African Presence in Early Asia and J A Roger's Sex and Race Vol 1. Many Africans survived the Mongol invasion into the twentieth century only to be exterminated by Chairman Mao's programme of Cultural cleansing. Under this programme millions of Africans and Afro-Asians were killed from 1951-1956. Contribute we still did, giving the People's Republic of China its first Chief Minister in the name of Eugene Chen, a Trinidadian of George Street, Port-of-Spain, who was of an African mother and a Chinese father.

For further reading on this individual one should consult J A Rogers' World's Great Men of Colour Vol I. So next time the word China or Chinese is mentioned remember that Africans played a pivotal role in launching what is called Chinese civilisation, if such a thing exists. : Africans launched Chinese civilisation

The Black Chinese - YouTube

Chinese Scientist Proves The First Inhabitants Of China Were Black!

For many years Black historians and Afrocentrists have said that the first inhabitants of China were black Africans.

The Negroid races peopled at some time all the South of India, Indo-China and China. The South of Indo-China actually has now pure Negritos as the Semangs and mixed as the Malays and the Sakais."

( H. Imbert, "Les Negritos de la Chine").

“Even the sacred Manchu dynasty shows this Negro strain. The lower part of the face of the Emperor Pu-yi of Manchukuo, direct descendant of the Manchu rulers of China, is most distinctly Negroid. Chinese chroniclers report that a Negro Empire existed in the South of China at the dawn of that country's history.

( Professor Chang Hsing-Lang , "The importation of Negro Slaves to China under the Tang Dynasty A.D. 618-907)

“There is evidence of substantial populations of Blacks in early China. Archaeological studies have located a black substratum in the earliest periods of Chinese history, and reports of major kingdom ruled by Blacks are frequently in Chinese documents."

(Kwang-Chih Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China, (Yale University Press) and Irwin Graham, Africans Abroad (Columbia University Press).

But after hundreds of years of the worldwide spread of the doctrine of white superiority and the inferiority of black Africans and their descendants. This notion was poo, pooed by white scientists and others and even by some blacks.

But in 2005, a Chinese DNA specialist, Jin Li, leading a team of Chinese and other scientists, proved through DNA tests that indeed the first inhabitants of China were black Africans.

Li said he was trying to prove that the Chinese evolved from homo erectus independently of all other humans. He collected DNA samples from 165 different ethnic groups and over 12000 samples in China and Asia to test his theory.
Chinese Scientist Proves The First Inhabitants Of China Were Black!

In accordance with the oral traditions of China, the founders of Chinese civilization were Huangdi and Fu Xi. These legendary rulers like Dai Hao, were all buried in zhiu (burial mounds). The presence of this mound culture in China supports the traditions of burial of elects in mound tombs.

The skeletal remains from southern China are predominately negroid. (Chang 1964, p.370) The people practiced single burials.

In northern China the blacks founded many civilizations. The three major empires of China were the Xia Dynasty (c.2205-1766 B.C), Shang/ Yin Dynasty (c.1700-1050 B.C) and the Zhou Dynasty.The Zhou dynasty was the first dynasty founded by the Mongoloid people in China called Hua (Who-aa).

Citing the works of Kwang-Chih Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China, (Yale University Press) and Irwin Graham, Africans Abroad (Columbia University Press), R. Rashidi makes the point. There is evidence of substantial populations of Blacks in early China. Archaeological studies have located a black substraum in the earliest periods of Chinese history, "and reports of major kingdom ruled by Blacks are frequently in Chinese documents."
"In the first epochs of Chinese history, the Negrito type peopled all the south of the country and even in the island of Hai-Nan, as we have attempted to prove in our study on the Negritos, on Black men of this island. Chinese folklore speaks often of these Negroes, and mentions an Empress of China named Li (373-397A.D.), consort of the Emperor Hsiao Wn Wen, who is spoken of as being a Negro." Professor Chang Hsing-Lang revealed in an article entitled, "The importation of Negro Slaves to China under the Tang Dynasty A.D. 618-907," that: Even the sacred Manchu dynasty shows this Negro strain.. The lower part of the face of the Emperor Pu-yi of Manchukuo, direct descendant of the Manchu rulers of China, is most distinctly Negroid. "Chinese chroniclers report that a Negro Empire existed in the South of China at the dawn of that country's history."
Genetic studies that show the first modern human arrived in China about 60,000 years ago support the theory that people first evolved in Africa, researchers say. In a study published Tuesday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists say that an analysis of genetic samples from throughout Asia suggests that people there sprang from common ancestors, the modern humans who appeared first in Africa and then spread throughout the world. "Our work shows that modern humans first came to southeast Asia and then moved later to northern China," said Li Jin, a population geneticist at the University of Texas in Houston. "This supports the idea that modern humans originated in Africa."


Jin said the study is based on analysis of the gene patterns from 43 different ethnic groups in China and Asia. He said the technique gives an indication of how people moved and mixed over thousands of generations. Migration clues are carried in genetic patterns, called micro-satellites, that change rapidly over time. By analyzing these changes and linking them to earlier genetic patterns, researchers are able to plot the migration of ancient humans. Based on the research, Jin said it appears that modern humans first moved from central Asia, following the Indian Ocean coastline across India, to southeast Asia. Later, they moved to south China. Descendants of these original Chinese then migrated north and northwest, populating northern China, Siberia and eventually the Americas.

Nigeria: Gate in construction

"This is important research because it supports the out-of-Africa theory about the origin of modern humans," said Ranjan Deka, a population genetics researcher at the University of Cincinnati. Deka said the results of the study weaken an alternative theory that modern humans arose independently on different continents at about the same time. If this were true, he said, there would be little or no genetic continuity among the various populations of the world. Instead, said Deka, the findings by Jin and his colleagues show genetic continuity in China, even though that vast country has dozens of different ethnic populations and more than 200 different languages. Jin said he believes modern human migration into Asia was probably affected by glaciers that invaded much of the Northern Hemisphere during an ice age that lasted thousands of years.

It may have been only after the glaciers retreated, more than 15,000 years ago, that modern humans were able to migrate to far northern Asia and across the Bering Strait to the Americas. Although the island nation of Japan is assumed by many to have been historically composed of an essentially homogenous population, the accumulated evidence places the matter in a vastly different light. A Japanese proverb states that: "For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of Black blood." Another recording of the proverb is: "Half the blood in one's veins must be Black to make a good Samurai." Sakanouye Tamura Maro, a Black man, became the first Shogun of Japan. In China, an Africoid presence in visible from remote antiquity. The Shang, for example, China's first dynasts, are described as having "black and oily skin." The famous Chinese sage Lao-Tze was "black in complexion."
Press Release - The First Chinese Were Black

You are the only fool Iève seen, every statement youève made has been thoroughly disproven. You claimed a man was a fool for thinking the ancient chinese were black and the chinese researchers agree with him, so the real question is where did you get they were not black from. O I know, the same place you got the lie that medjays were not nubians your racist anti-african mind.

Do you know about the words "Domination" and "Invasions"?

The Egyptians werent Nubians. DNA proved it and osteology aswell.
Somalis descend from the predynastic Egyptians and they arent Nubians!
Yes, I do know about domination and invasions and it was the nubians who moved into upper and lower egypt after the collapse of previous nubian cultures that predate ancient egypt by over 9000 years. It was the Qadan, Badarian, and amratian cultures who gradually moved north into ancient egypt. The Qadan were nubians from the 2nd cataract of the nile to Aswan. They became the later groups and kept moving north.

I dont dispute Somalis descend from ancient egyptian, but ancient egyptians spread to many places as the eurasian inavaders were raping the place silly. You have peoples in nigeria, west africa, central and southern africa and somalia and east africa whose ancestors are ancient egyptians. Ancient egypt was large population wise, it had millions of people who left as it was being constantly invaded by foreigners.

Show me which dna and bone studies have shown that. The dna studies Iève seen all prove they were tropically adapted like from s.o.y. keita, and the closest tropical environment is nubia. Ancient egyptians believed they came from the south, they were southern oriented.

The ancient egyptians certainly were nubians, in the sense that the early american settlers were english. Yes not every single one, but the leadership, largely english men like washington and in egypt it was nubians.

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