Wednesday 19 February 2014

Reader Writes in: North Africans are neither white nor black... they are brown

Ah the age old argument that North Africans historically were not black but not white but some third intermediate race called brown (which is really just code for multi-generational mulattos and Kahloughis (turk-white mix breed) in denial of their blackness or turkness).

Feel free to see why turks in north africa deny their turkishness (hint: its because ottoman turks were vilified heavily by the other europeans who went on the colonize the former ottoman empire like englnd and france.

Whites who insist ancient north africans were not black or white because modern day groups were cannot be taken seriously

The probably 100 turkic dynasties

Vandals, a blonde, hair blue eyed, central asian tribe who invaded europe then north africa because the hunns (an asiatic people originating in mongolia and china)

kicked them out of central asia and europe until they reached rome and sacked it.

While England and France were colonizing America, the Turks were colonizing north africa arabia, and central asia

The people from north africa who call themselves arabs would have you believe that they were colonized by countries in arabia. This is an outright lie. The maps clearly show the arab nations themselves were colonized by ottoman turks. So who really were these "Arabs" showing up in north africa? Oppressed arabs of iraq or iran or jordan by the ottomans, or the same ottomans who kidnapped 2 million white people and brought them into barbary coast? 

The nations of arabia and rise of islam and muhammad and all had very small populations comprised of 3 main groups
-indo-european/"white" persians
-jews (multiracial at this point)

Most good encyclopedia will acknowledge they aren't true arabs but falsely attribute them to berbers and then try and turn around and say black berbers were the slaves.
Which is why many black berbers have now written they are no longer berbers. Kind of like when white people stole rock n roll with elvis, alot of black people just said, you know what, you white folk keep it, well do something else.

No turks wanted white slaves for sexual purpose (both men and women) as is evident by the fact that 75% of greece's populatin was wiped out by the turks and the other 25% largely enslaved and forcibaly enslaved. When turks took over greece it has around 12 million people one of the biggest nations aroundat the time in the region. About the same number as today. Ottoman Turks in turkey did not really need black slaves although they did engage in a sizeable slave trade in east africa themselves. This was because greece and other white slaves couldn't be had enough of ourside of turkey. So when Ottoman's would move from turkey to say algeria and couldn't find greek slaves they start look for black one. This is why so many white slaves was brought into north africa, despite the fact that whites claim black people were selling each other in giant slave trading markets. Why bring in 2 million white slaves if blacks are offering up slaves on the cheap? Its because Ottoman could just go in any Ukranian or greek or bulgarian village and shoot a white man dead and steal his whole family and they couldn't do a thing or the who village would get kill. They didn't have to pay for them.

This is the real reason why white (european) people hate turks (Who are basically white or asian/white mongrels but they don't want to acknowledge them as such). Sure they say Islam this and that, but its not islam, they remember the oppression but only a few of them will openly say it.  Ask yourself, how many white people have muslims killed in the last 100 years? Which white population was wiped out by muslims. Now ask yourself, which white population was wiped out by other whites in the last 100 years (mussolini, hitler, stalin, dictator of england, fdr, and so on).  All the mass murderers of white people have been generally speaking other white people. White hatred of Muslims is not about religion and entirely about Ottoman Turks pissing in the face of white peoples. When the whites were out enslaving all the colored people the Ottoman Turks with their multiracial empire had white slaves, and imported them by the millions into North Africa, so much so that even the USA government declared war on and bombed Algeria in the 1800s which then led to it being a French Possession.  You see the Ottoman's didn't get that they weren't suppose to enslave white people and that is why all the white countries ganged up to tear it down.

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