Tuesday 11 February 2014

The ancient Middle East peoples could not have been white or "Caucasians"

Thousands starting in the neolithic and hundreds going up to the modern period. 

I'd have to double check but I dont think Scandinavia was inhabited in the paleolithic and mesolithic because of the ice age.

I'm saying that negroid African peoples traveled into Scandinavia (and the rest of europe) in several waves out of africa going back to the paleolithic times, including the mesolithic and neolithic and that never really stopped (hell its still going on today isn't lol). Well yes the negroid was most likely the first people in there, along with the rest of most of europe. This is not because the black race is better or superior. It is because they are older. The most recent evidence from university of Oslo and that came up at the american anthropological association was that white skin is between 5000- 5500 years old.

Here is the spread of indo european/white people in europe. The lightest color is around 800 bc. This is when whites first started coming into lots of europe. But we cannot be certain they were white over say mixed race or mulatto people mainly because the indo-europeans originating from central asia would have been mixing with the blacks already in eastern europe as they passed through and entered those civilizaitons. Note that it does not touch england, ireland, much of western europe all but the tip of sweden. Yet we know people were living in these places in pre-indo-european arrivals.

Good question about dark skin arctic peoples. The mystery in anthropology has actually always been the REVERSE. Why are White people in arctic and cold regions having white skin! While this might seem a bizzare comment, rest assure it isnt. If you were to look at a map of the world or a globe from the top. All the indigenous people except those in the nordic nations are very dark skin.

The eskimo, the aleut (original people who live in the arctic in canada and the usa) the nenets (original people of russia living in the arctic circle), the native people of greenland W(hich is technically part of denmark) are very dark skinned. You also have the people living in new zealand and chile (near the antarctic and argentina) although they are mostly extinct because of colonialism the pictures make it clear they were very dark brown skin people. As well South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Swaziland and Namibia experience snow yet people have lived there for over 100,000 years (particularly south africa) and still look black. Tanzania and Kenya (particularly the mountain part) can get very cold, surprisingly cold, I mean mount kilomanjaro is covered in snow. And the people there are quiet dark skin.

This made a problem for white skin is caused by cold climate. Because, climates that are mostly arctic covered in snow tend to have HIGH UV. Yes the UV levels are so high that almost all people living in arctic or very cold environments get dark skin. In fact when I use to live in Norway-- I just realize that we both use to live in norway lol -- many times when going hunting or skiing I remember a few people would forget their sun screen and would get snow sun burn pretty badly.

Also white people can get rickets and seem to be more pre-disposed to getting rickets (a disease that occurs from lack of vitamin d)

Early in the twentieth century more than 80 percent of children in industrialized Europe and North America were ravaged by the devastating skeletal consequences of rickets.
Author: Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD
Recommended citation: Holick MF. The vitamin D deficiency pandemic: a forgotten hormone important for health. Public Health Reviews 2010;32:267-283.
The Vitamin D Deficiency Pandemic: a Forgotten Hormone Important for Health

This actually creates a very large problem for people claiming that black skin turned white to absorb more sun. The evidence seems to suggest that black people even living in cold environments are more efficient at absorbing vitamin d. This is supported by the fact that not only do black people living in europe and the americas or cold climate, seem to have lower rates of rickets but that they continue to have denser bones that are smaller in total circumference. Ie. think of it this way with the naked eye a white bone looks bigger, if you measure it, it is thicker. Under a microscope a black bone has more density, so more bone particles in a smaller area. Like a spunge is bigger than a pencil, but a pencil is more dense. Rickets being a disease of softening bones is more prevalent in white people as their bones are already less dense to begin with!

In summary, white skin is not even more beneficial in a very cold low sun light environment, the majority of the world's people indigenous to the arctic are all dark skinned (except for european white people)

One would have to logically conclude, race doesn't exist, not as we have come to understand it anyways.



Here are the Yamana people of south america, they are the indigenous people of the suthern tip of argentina and chile. The region is classified as subpolar oceanic climate, (Same group as southwest norway-a place where i use to live)

And if you recall the indo-european map, white people only arrived in the tip of sweden around 1000-800 bc assuming that by this poiint they were still white. 3000 years is not enough time for the skin color to change like that. 
Which actually explains why northern europe has such high rate of skin cancer

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