Tuesday 11 February 2014

The first Europeans were black

First European according to white English people.


Well my friend jackson, "Europeans", really, white central asians living in Europe whose ancestors come from central Asia role in rome is questionable. We know there were indeed white emperors of rome in antiquity. I am not going to be a reverse racist and pretend EVERY Roman was black. We know the founders of Rome, the Etruscans were dark skin blacks.

But given that the romans had to be fighting the carthigians (a black african empire) in modern Italy (Europe) before they even became a true empire vs a city state. And even into the holy roman empire charles the 5th was black and this was close to the end. It would be faulty to call the Romans a white civilization. The founders and creators were black. Overtime, the white immigrants like slavs, germanics etc overun it and became the numerical majority. 

Almost all these invaders except the huns were white

The huns were a mixture of san like black people, asiatics and white and mulatto people.

Modern day whites come almost entirely from the slavs and Germanics and didn't show up until europe until 2-3 ad or so. There were a group of "White" and mulattos who did move from central asia and enter europe around 800 bc and plunged greece into the dark ages causing them to lose their writing systems known as linear a & b. When black Greeks were able to finally bring civilization back to Greece they adopted the Phoenicians alaphabet but still spoke Greek just changing the alphabet.

You see, what do modern english people call themselves? Not English, not Britons, ANGLO-SAXONS. lOOK where angles is, look where saxony is, look where these people TRULY come from, they are not the native people of England, they did not build the stone henge.

Kurgan Moderl on Spread of Indo Europeans created by blonde hair blue eyed white people.
Pink is 2000 bc
middle dark region is 1500 bc
very light area is 800 bc

White peoples own model says they weren't in ancient: egypt, anywhere NEAR mesopotamia, elam, carthage etc until 800 bc and only STARTED showing up in greece and rome in 800 -1000 bc. also notice their own models PROVE THAT WHITES WERE NOT IN BRITAIN IN ANTIQUITY

You see that Island in the top left corner, that is England, Scotland, Ireland. You see where Norway, sweden and Finland are. notice that indo-europeans only enter the tip of sweden. This model makes it clear that whites in north europe are relatively recent arrival, not even in their own models are they there. This model would explain why many of the Roman writers descrive the early britons as being black.

Herodotus Book 1 - CLIO:

[1.58] The Hellenic race has never, since its first origin, changed its speech. This at least seems evident to me. It was a branch of the Pelasgic, which separated from the main body, and at first was scanty in numbers and of little power; but it gradually spread and increased to a multitude of nations, chiefly by the voluntary entrance into its ranks of numerous tribes of barbarians.
The barbarians being white and mulatto central asians and eastern europeans who showed up over time after the civilization was created. The mulattos were the black eastern europeans like sungir man who mixed with white central asians who were coming over from north india.

It should be pointed out at this time that Modern "white Europeans" are NOT the same people as these first White European invaders. Today's White Europeans are the descendants of Albino invaders from Central Asia of the current era (circa 200 A.D. - 700 A.D.). These Albino invaders were what we call today: the Germanics, Slavs, Alans, Vandals, Turks.

Now going back to Britain

ivory Bangle lady, 4th century Roman aristocrat in York, England

Startling new forensic research has revealed that multicultural Britain is nothing new after discovering black Africans were living in high society in Roman York.
A study of various remains and artefacts from the 4th century at the Yorkshire Museum shows North Africans were living there thousands of years ago.
The most exciting results came from analysis of the so-called 'Ivory Bangle Lady' whose remains were found in 1901 on the city's Sycamore Terrace.
Her skull was found buried with a range of jewellery including jet and elephant ivory bracelets, earrings, pendants and a glass mirror indicating she was wealthy and was of high social status.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2imLRVRrs
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So much for the white north african or white berber theory.

The fascinating study was carried out by the University of Reading's Department of Archaeology, and senior lecturer Dr Hella Eckhardt said: 'Up until now we have had to rely on evidence of such foreigners in Roman Britain from inscriptions.
'However, by analysing the facial features of the Ivory Bangle Lady and measuring her skull, analysing the chemical signature of the food and drink she consumed, and analysing evidence from the burial site we are now able to establish a clear profile of her ancestry and social status.
'We're looking at a population mix which is much closer to contemporary Britain than previous historians had suspected.
'In the case of York, the Roman population may have had more diverse origins than the city has now.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2imM1w4Mx
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'This skull is particularly interesting, because the stone sarcophagus she was buried in, and the richness of the grave goods, means she was a very wealthy woman, absolutely from the top end of York society.
'Her case contradicts assumptions that may derive from more recent historical experience, namely that immigrants are low status and male, and that African individuals are likely to have been slaves.
'Instead, it is clear that both women and children moved across the Empire, often associated with the military.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2imMUGklG
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Roman remains in York are 'elite' African woman

Academics say the discovery goes against the common assumption that all Africans in Roman Britain were low status male slaves.
Remains of the Ivory Bangle Lady, as she has been named, were studied in Reading using forensic techniques.
She was first discovered in the Bootham area of York in August 1901.
Her remains were in a stone coffin near Sycamore Terrace in the city.
Her grave dates back to the second half of the 4th Century. She was buried with items including jet and elephant ivory bracelets, earrings, beads and a blue glass jug.
Eboracum (York) was both a legionary fortress and civilian settlement, and ultimately became the capital of Britannia Inferior. York was also visited by two Emperors, the North-African-born Emperor Septimius Severus, and later Constantius I (both of whom died in York). All these factors provide potential circumstances for immigration to York, and for the foundation of a multicultural and diverse community.

One of the richest inhabitants of fourth century Roman York, buried in a stone sarcophagus with luxury imports including jewellery made of elephant ivory, a mirror and a blue glass perfume jar, was a woman of black African ancestry, a re-examination of her skeleton has shown.

Now, 16 centuries after her death, her skeleton is helping prove the startling diversity of the society in which she lived.

"We're looking at a population mix which is much closer to contemporary Britain than previous historians had suspected," Hella Eckhardt, senior lecturer at the department of archaeology at Reading University, said. "In the case of York, the Roman population may have had more diverse origins than the city has now."
Isotope evidence suggests that up to 20% were probably long distance migrants. Some were African or had African ancestors, including the woman dubbed "the ivory bangle lady", whose bone analysis shows she was brought up in a warmer climate, and whose skull shape suggests mixed ancestry including black features.

The authors point out that Roman North Africa was noted for its mixed populations, with Phoenician, Berber and Mediterranean influences.

"This skull is particularly interesting, because the stone sarcophagus she was buried in, and the richness of the grave goods, means she was a very wealthy woman, absolutely from the top end of York society," Eckhardt said.
Well that puts turkocentrism in a bind. They must admit either the phoenicians are black or the berbers are or the mediterrneans are. Either way they are screwed. Admit the roman and greeks were black, admit that greeks learned writing from black people, or admit all those berber north african emperors were black.

If white south african colonialist who arrived in the 1800s want to be called africans, how the hell did do black people who go back to britain in the 4th century and before white anglo-saxons end up being called africans? This "African" woman had been in England before the anglo saxon Germanic invaders.

Modern Greeks are largely of slavic descent, only arrived in around 700 bc into greece during the slavic expansion

\mODERN Slavs have nothing to do with ancient Greece, Greek is not even a slavic language, it was classified as indo-european but oxford professor dr. campbell makes it clear its a niger congo mande variant language.... AND HE IS WHITE from New Zealand.

See Balto-Slavs, that is where the slavs come from and spread from in the slavic expansion. Modern slavs are 300 million and are most of modern east europe and had nothing to do with either rome or greece in antiquity. Even if you believe the ancient romans and Greeks were whites. Their Germanic and Slavic BARBARIAN ancestors were the people who DESTROYED ROME AND GREECE. They were called barbarians because they destroyed civilization. These people were like modern day taliban warriors. They arrive in countries like afghanistan or mali and destroy all the great history and monuments.

What do you call a person who obliterates your property. You come home and your whole house is trashed and destroyed. You don't say they romanized it or they africanized it, you say they VANDALIZED IT. why?

van·dal·ize [van-dl-ahyz] Show IPA
verb (used with object), van·dal·ized, van·dal·iz·ing.
to destroy or deface by vandalism: Someone vandalized the museum during the night.
Also, especially British, van·dal·ise.

1790–1800; vandal + -ize
Because the Vandals were the supreme germanic destroyer of black civilizations -barbarians. Like most germanics they couldn't read so would burn down books and libraries.

Lets not go overboard here either, the white people did have a culture before meeting black people but they didn't have a civilization with writing or that reached the advancement of black civilizations like Egypt or Rome or Greece or Sumeria or Elam. We don't have to pretend whites didn't have a culture in the past, because most of the major ones were black anyways. No need to kick someone when their down or dance infront of someone in a wheelchair.

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