Tuesday 18 February 2014

Why did Turko-arabs stop calling themselves turks and start stealing black culture RR

Yup, mad man of europe, sick man of europe, these were the prevailing views of turks. There is some very racist literature about them at this time.

The Ottoman Empire, established by the Turks was at one point the largest empire in the world. Prior to World War I, it had fallen into decline as its territories were gobbled up by other powers. The world dismissed the Ottoman Empire as “the Sick Man of Europe.” Throughout the Nineteenth Century, the rest of Europe waited for the empire to implode.
No one even bothered invading it was assumed turks were so incompetent that they'd collapse into themselves and that the white people would just take it over.

MAKING THE ROPE TO HANG HIMSELF, 1903. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Ottoman Empire was politically and economically unstable. Over the course of the nineteenth century, the Ottomans had lost a considerable amount of their territory to expanding European powers, and they were heavily indebted to European banks. As result of its economic and financial distress, Western political leadership began to refer to the Ottoman Empire as a perilously “sick man.” In 1903, cartoonist Emil Flohri drew a cover for Judge, an American political satire and humor magazine, which reflected this sentiment by showing the Ottoman Turk making the preparations for his own execution. Rather than attributing the weakening of the Ottoman Empire to financial and economic problems caused by foreign interference, Flohri censures the Ottomans themselves. Their collective demise is an effect of cultural character, and inscribed on the noose the Turk crafts for himself are the symptoms of his downfall: “Mohammedan fanaticism,” “slaughter of women and children,” “massacre of Christians,” and an insincere promise to enact reforms. Flohri’s satirical braiding of Islamic fanaticism with misogyny and violent intolerance of Christians in the context of a faltering Ottoman Empire is over one hundred years old, and his commentary is more evidence of the historical durability of negative stereotyping once a certain mental image has taken hold.

1915 Sick Man Of Europe Kaiser Takes Turkeys' Cot

Shah of Persia. "Go on in, Abdul — just for the look of the thing. You can always come out if you don't like it."

Sick Man of Europe. "Yes, I know. But one gets so wet!"

(The Turk makes another specious effort to amend his constitution.)

Drawn by Bernard Partridge.

This is a commentary on the 1908 amendments to the Ottoman constitution, originally promulgated in 1877 and afterwards suspended at the sultan's pleasure. The British humor magazine maintains its ironic skepticism of Ottoman promises to reform. Sultan Abdülhamid II is seen reluctant to dip his toes in the waters of the cure (labeled "Constitution"). This refers to the restoration of constitutional rule in 1908, under heavy pressure from the ultra-nationalist Young Turks. In his 33-year reign, Abdülhamid proved a master manipulator, playing off one faction or foreign power against the others. Although he was not above having rivals strangled in the night, the sultan was not nearly the savage butcher portrayed in many other Punch cartoons over the years ("the Unspeakable Turk", actually a different character from the Sick Man drawn here). But when provinces were in open revolt, Abdülhamid responded with time-honored brutality. The Armenian genocide of 1915 was preceded by many lesser pogroms in Armenia during Abdülhamid's tenure, to take one deplorable example. To take another, during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-79, Ottoman provinces making a bid for independence included Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Wallachia, and Moldova. This gives one an appreciaton of the scope of difficulties facing the final few sultans.

Caricature from Punch magazine, dated November 28, 1896. It shows Sultan Abdul Hamid II in front of a poster which announces the reorganisation of the Ottoman Empire. The empire's value is estimated at 5 million pounds. Russia, France and England are listed as the directors of the reorganisation. The Sultan says: "BISMILLAH! [For God's sake!] Make me into a limited company? M'M - AH - S'pose [I suppose] they'll allow me to join the board after allotment." The caricature refers to the weakness of the Ottoman Empire at the time.
The phrase "sick man of Europe" is commonly attributed to Tsar Nicholas I of Russia, referring to the Ottoman Empire, because it was increasingly falling under the financial control of the European powers and had lost territory in a series of disastrous wars. However, it is not clear that he ever said the precise phrase. Letters from Sir George Hamilton Seymour, the British ambassador to St. Petersburg, to Lord John Russell, in 1853, in the run up to the Crimean War, quote Nicholas I of Russia as saying that the Ottoman Empire was "a sick man—a very sick man," a "man" who "has fallen into a state of decrepitude", or a "sick man ... gravely ill".[1][2][3]

That is why they are pressed, that and they want to cover up the fact they nuked black berbers and mass slaughtered half the population and replaced the real black berbers with a bunch of turko arabs and white europeans masquerading as africans and pretending to be arabs and berbers when they are really just varying branches of whites
-other white europeans like pied noirs 
A single european country like france that had more people than all of magreb states combined at the time could easily replace the indigenous peoples with white french.

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