Tuesday 11 February 2014

Ancient Egyptian frauds part 2

So in turn, we have a suspect looking "scribe", whose eye color were proven to have been changed, who has no inscriptions, nor hieroglyphs proving it is who the white say it is. But we are to accept it was scribe. Its skin is dark brown or black in the original but was cleaned up to be made lighter, you can see on the knee and in the face where it use to be darker before being cleaned.

This women would be depicted as light, even white skin in an art compared tot he man. But she is definitely what we call black.

Even if all these portraits are true and accurate, its not inconsistent with being black africans

I'd like to make one minor correction, I said that heiroglyphs were never painted on but etched. What I mean is they were etched in stone and then painted in etched in stone. They never simply painted on flat slabs of rock like appears in nofret and ra-hotep. This is why even when they lose color through natural process of discoloration, the image is still visible. 

Also I said nipples were not shown on clothed people. Just so no one becomes confused. I mean if a woman is wearing a shirt like nofret, her nipples will not be portrayed as poking through the shirt like that of nofret's. She'd be portrayed as having breast covered by cloth but not with nipples just round mounds meant to represent breast. Also the fact that nofret is missing a hand would be interpreted as a massive INSULT to the ancient Egyptians. Given that a common punishment in the region was to chop off the hand of thieves or people who did other criminal behaviour, it would be a major insult to have the wife of an important person to be made with the hand missing.

Also, I'd like to add notice that
According to the archeologist Auguste Mariette, who found the work, the statue of the scribe was apparently discovered in Saqqara on 19 November 1850, to the north of the Serapeum's line of sphinxes. But the precise location is not known; unfortunately, the documents concerning these excavations were published posthumously, the excavation journals had been lost, and the archives were scattered between France and Egypt.
This guy died in 1881. He "found" the statutes in 1850. It wasn't until AT LEAST 31 years later.... after he is dead, do documents come up claiming all this whooey

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