Tuesday 11 February 2014

Why Nofret and re-hotep are considered frauds

Further your proof of non-black egyptians by sighting the most famous known modern frauds of nofret and ra-hotep is not convincing.

The reason that nofret and re-hotep are considered frauds is not because nofret is of a light complexion or re-hotep of a brown ruddy complexion, or not because nofret ancestry is not even certainly egyptian, but because they violate almost 100 rules of classical old kingdom egyptian artistic rules. Yes ancient Egyptians had art rules. For one they did not paint hieroglyphs, hierogylphs WERE CARVED IN. If you had a larger image of the one you supplied you'd see it was painted on. Ancient Egyptians also ended all murals the same with a hieroglyph series meaning now and forever because the hieroglyphs were eteched in stone NEVER, EVER PAINTED. EVER.

No other artisitic piece matching nofret and re-hotep can be found so it eliminates the chance of an artist who just didn't follow the norm. For instance. Nofret has nipples showing through her dress, but the egyptians almost NEVER showed nipples on clothed people. Nofret does not appear to be white, but is actually a disclored yellowish color. Women were often portrayed with a yellowish color in ancient egypt for reasons that are not related to race.

Professor Manu Ampim expands
The Ra-Hotep statue violates a long list of clearly defined rules. A few of these rules are: Ra-Hotep is a royal son and high ranking official, but he does not wear a wig; he has a gray moustache; and he never had an emblem in his right hand across his chest.

A large number of Egyptian forgeries have been discovered over the years, and perhaps the greatest of them all are the statues of prince Ra-Hotep and his wife Nofret. These two statues in room 32 of the Cairo Museum are among the most famous “ancient Egyptian” statues, as they have been featured and written about in a long list of publications. Their popularity is also due to the fact that they are totally unique and they look European.

Elsewhere in a preliminary essay, “Ra-Hotep and Nofret: Modern Forgeries in the Cairo Museum?” I have outlined 21 major problems with these unique statues that put them in direct contradiction to the strict artistic rules by which all Kemetian royal sculptors were bound. In the future, I will be publishing my full research exposing these forgeries in a forthcoming book entitled, Modern Fraud: The Forged Ancient Egyptian Statues of Ra-Hotep and Nofret.1

Ra-Hotep and his female companion have their own separate slabs, when in most other occasions couples are united on one slab. The hieroglyphs on the upper edges of the slabs are unusual. One might argue that it is rarely the case for ruling figures to be seen with mustaches, as opposed to the "divine" goatee, but that is not all that significant in the overall observation.

Also noticeable, are the peculiar hand gestures. In most cases, the hands are placed on the thighs, unless the figure is specifically holding something in one 

The fact that you'd think the man on the left looks anything like white skin arabs is rather laughable. I've seen Nubians in your own paintings with more white skin.

I've seen full black african women, especially around eritrea, who are naturally light skinned like the nofret. its not impossible that a black egyptian ahve that skin color, but these are frauds, at least according to egyptology.

For instance

Note the woman who bears the same skin color as nofret has on clothing, but her nipples do not show through her clothing despite having large breast. Note that

n this long-awaited book on modern forgeries, Prof. Manu Ampim systematically documents what he calls "two of the greatest forgeries in the history of ancient African archaeology." For the past 10 years, Prof. Ampim has carefully documented that the statues of Prince Ra-Hotep and his wife Nofret in the Cairo Museum are not authentic ancient Egyptian statues, but were in fact created in the 19th century by the hands of modern conspirators.

Prof. Ampim presents a painstakingly researched argument to show that these famous statues could not have been created in the great pyramid age around 2600 BCE, and that they were instead created by modern conspirators in a bold attempt to place a strange pale-skinned couple in the middle of the fourth dynasty African royal family. Ampim presents an array of data to show that the Ra-Hotep and Nofret statues are indeed modern forgeries.

Ampim uses several categories of evidence to present a well-documented case of modern fraud. For example, he discusses:
The historical context in which the Ra-Hotep and Nofret statues were supposedly found in the 19th century, a period which has been considered by some historians as "the age of fakes";
Comparisons of the famous "Ra-Hotep statue" with all other known images of him, as well as comparisons with his family members and with dozens of other statues from the Old Kingdom;
The clearly defined ancient Egyptian artistic rules, which were well established by the fourth dynasty, and that the forgers of the Ra-Hotep and Nofret statues were unaware of these definitive rules as the forged statues, literally from head to toe, are in contradiction of these rules;
Other documented forgeries such as the well-known forged statue of Queen Tetisheri, which was previously displayed in the British Museum; and
The systematic and deliberate defacement and destruction of ancient Egyptian images on temple walls, in various tombs, and in museums around the world. Ampim describes this "de-Africanizing" process as "The Vanishing Evidence of Classical African Civilizations."

As for the scribe at Saqqara. Well he was just a scribe, not an egyptian royal but...

Its clear this was a dark skin black man who had another paint job over time to lighten him up and reshape his features.

funny how his eye color goes from black to blue... isn't it?

Was Nofret realy a white skinned woman, what do we see in the tombs?

That white NOFRET WAS Probably A FRAUD. It could have been a real artifact touched up and white washed. After all, one must admit it strange for a nearly 5000 year old artifact of that size to retain virtually almost all its color and have no chips.

dude could pass for trayvon martin cousin, LOL.

White folks ain't fooling nobody. I've seen Nofrete artifacts in Egypt and Germany

Nofret the Beautiful - The Woman in Ancient Egypt


Do those look like turko arabs to you?


Do you believe every white lie, why can I find all these black nofrets, if nofret was white?

Like many white frauds, actually most, it has murky circumstances surrounding its founding.

According to the archeologist Auguste Mariette, who found the work, the statue of the scribe was apparently discovered in Saqqara on 19 November 1850, to the north of the Serapeum's line of sphinxes. But the precise location is not known; unfortunately, the documents concerning these excavations were published posthumously, the excavation journals had been lost, and the archives were scattered between France and Egypt. Furthermore, the site had been pillaged and ransacked, and no information concerning the figure's identity could be provided. Some historians have tried to link it to one of the owners of the statues discovered at the same time. The most convincing of these associates the scribe to Pehernefer. Certain stylistic criteria, such as the thin lips, which was unusual, the form of the torso, and the broad chest could support this theory. The statue of Pehernefer dates from the 4th Dynasty. This is an additional argument in favor of an earlier dating for this statue, which has sometimes been dated to the 6th Dynasty. Another argument supporting this date is that "writing" scribes were mostly created in the 4th and early 5th Dynasties; after this period, most scribes were portrayed in "reading" poses.

*Note thin lips are UNSUSUAL...
-If your going to make a fraud, you can't identify where it comes from, because someone investigating you can find out by travelling to where you claim its from and burn you. This is why most fakes, have murky circumstances surrounding them.
-The louvre must admit they don't even know who this guy is! No inscriptions yet they call him Egyptian anyway.
The Louvre Museum in France has some of the most stunning and powerful African images of important figures anywhere in the world, yet the museum has bold signs placed in strategic locations throughout the Egyptian gallery, directing tourists to one particular statue: the “unnamed seated scribe,” who has undergone a thorough racial makeover and now appears European.
dr manu ampim.

Whites have caught other whites making fake white egyptians statutes

Question, would you conclude this woman with a similar color as nofret was non-black?

Sorry, white museums are known for restoring images to make them look more white because whites are more likely to pay for artifacts and pay to see artifacts that look white. They aren't lining up for the zulu exhibit unless they pain zulus white.

Funny how a headless statute magically gets its head back.

As for why black people would portray themselves with red or yellow skin

The french claim they cleaned the statute in the 1980s, funny how cleaning a statute makes it eyes go from black to blue

And while its not definitive, the hair on the seated scribe is suspect because most scribes seem to be wearing the wig

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