Saturday 22 February 2014

Black Vikings

David MacRitchie
MacRitchie believed that blacks were the original inhabitants of Northern Europe especially in Scandinavia, Wales, Scotland and Ireland going into the Middle Ages. He list numerous Vikings who he believes to be black
  • "The Danes, then, were like the "Moors"—black." Page 121;
  • "The Danes, then were not "of pure colour." They were dubh, black." page 114.
  • "In other words, the "Gentiles of pure colour" and the "black heathen," known in history as the Norsemen and the Danes, had in this particular family become amalgamated." Page 153
  • "So that the Picts Proper and the Black Danes, being both Moors and both being "black strangers" or dubh galls, in the sight of the white races of Britain..." page 201
  • "For the black people, as we know, ante-date the Danish branch of that stock by many centuries, - how many, no one can tell" Page 157
  • "Accepting this conclusion, then as, in the main, correct, we have before us undeniable evidence - historical and ethnological - of the immemorial presence of the blacks in this country [Great Britain] page 157-158
  • "We know that the first inhabitants of Britain and more especially those of the northern parts, were craniologically of a type approaching to the Negro or the Australian race" Page 7-8
  • "'The black herds of Scots and Picts' were all alike to British Gildas Page 216
  • "Therefore, it becomes evident that some race of Scandinavians must have been Black Huns also, with physical characteristics approaching those of the Pictish Moors... Page 110
  • "...yet there is word-evidence in our Islands [Great Britain], as elsewhere, of a time when a conquered race was of black colour." Page 37
  • "That the wild tribes of Ireland were black men is hinted by the fact that "a wild Irishmen" is in Gaelic "a black Irishman" (Dubh Eireannach). And that some of the natives of Scotland, as well as of England, were of this race also is evident when one remembers that, according to Skene, the powerful tribe of the Damnonii, which was the chief of the Maeatae, or marsh-dwellers, who were a part of the Picti or Caledonii, were probably relations of their namesakes of South-Western Britain; which indeed is almost a certainty, if nomenclature goes for anything" Page 45
  • "The Wild Irishmen, or Black Irishmen, presumably of the same race, were the same. Page 62

To add onto that one of the viking major centres, Dublin actually means we're black in the Irish language.
Dubh = black
Linn= we
Dubh+ Linn = We black

This is no surprise, there were indeed white Vikings as well but it seems the black viking played a major role as far as the leadership and linguistics is concerned and were the original inhabitants of Northern Europe it is well documented that north africans beat central asian white to arriving in europe anyhow by thousands of years.

It was also well documented that the silures, were black as well.

The Silures were the most ancient inhabitants of Britain.  (The Theosophical Path, vol. 3 by Katherine Tingley, California: The New Century Corporation, 1912, pg. 136)  The Silures possessed south Wales and western England, and their chief cities were Sariconium, Magna, Gobabeum, and their capital city, Venta.  The land of the Silures was only thirty miles from Ireland.
That the Silures were black does not need to be questioned.  They were described as short in stature, with brown complexions, and black curled hair and dark eyes.  In the second century A.D., the Roman historian Pliny described the Britons complexions as “Ethiopian.” (African Presence in Early Europe by Ivan Van Sertima, ed. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2007, pg. 225)  In his book, Memoirs of the Celts of Gauls, Joseph Ritson gives this assessment regarding the Silures origins:
“The swarthy complexion of the Silures, and their hair, which is generally curled, with their situation opposite to the coast of Spain, furnished ground to believe, that the ancient Iberians had arrived from thence, and taken possession of the territory.” (Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls by Joseph Ritson, London: Payne and Foss, 1827, pg. 114) 

Pliny described the Iberians complexion as aethiopium, i.e. black as an Ethiopian. (Ancient and Modern Britons: a retrospect, Vol. 3 by David MacRitchie, London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1884, pg. 45)

The Roman historian Tacitus also noted that the Silures were a dark complexioned people. (The Anthropological Review, Vol. 8 by Anthropological Society of London, London: Asher & Co., 1870, pg. 202)  J.A. Rogers believed they were very likely of Phoenician or Egyptian descent. (Nature Knows No Color Line by J.A. Rogers, St. Petersburg: Helga M. Rogers, 1980, pg. 71)

The Silures were the strongest and most organized state in Britain.  They were considered “one of the bravest of the ancient British nations, and defended their country and their liberty against the Romans, with the most heroic fortitude.” (A New History of Great Britain from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Present Time by Rev. John Adams, London: T.N. Longman & O. Rees, and T. Hurst, 1802, pg. 13)  They were known to be “stubbornly independent.” (The Foundation of England, Vol. I by Sir James H. Ramsay, London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. LTD, 1898, pg. 57)

In the legend of King Arthur, he was the king of the Silures who held back the advances of the Saxons for a time.  So it was likely King Arthue like Shakespeare and the black prince and Niger Val Dubh was black as well.

Another group of blacks in the ancient British Isles were the Picts.  David MacRitchie called the Picts “Moors” (i.e. black), and then states that it was clear that the Silures were Picts. (Ancient and Modern Britons: a Retrospect, Vol. 3 by David MacRitchie, London: Kegan Paul, Tench & Co., 1884, pg. 187)  The Picts are acknowledged as the earliest inhabitants of Scotland.  They ruled Scotland for more than 500 years.  The term Pict means “painted or tattooed.”  The term was used by the Romans to describe inhabitants in the second century AD.  The first documented appearance of the term was in a work by Eumenius in 297 AD.   They were the inhabitants of the highlands of Scotland who lived in northern and eastern Scotland between 200 and 850 AD.  Joseph Ritson was quite specific about his description of these highlanders:
“The Highlanders are generally dimunitive, with brown complexions, and almost always with black curled hair and dark eyes.” (Annals of Caledonian, Picts, and Scots by Joseph Ritson, Vol. II, Edinburgh: Ward D. Laing, 1828, footnote pp. 7, 27)

While some want to deny the ancient African black presence of Europe they do so at their own peril. In it they lose both their own true history and the history of the indigenous black peoples who inhabited these lands and their denial only becomes a singal of their own inability to interpret and understand evidence rather than to work from prejudices their parents taught them.


  1. >>"The Danes, then, were like the "Moors"—black." Page 121;<<

    Untenable supposition. There is no hint of African bloodlines that far north. Not even 0.5% of the scandinavian genome is clustering with africans.

    >> To add onto that one of the viking major centres, Dublin actually means we're black in the Irish language.
    Dubh = black
    Linn= we
    Dubh+ Linn = We black<<

    That is not what it means in Gaelic at all. *Baile Átha Cliath* is the Gaelic for the city, while the english gave it their own name Dubhlinn meaning *black pool* or *black lake*, which has no connection with the Gaelic.

    >>Pliny described the Iberians complexion as aethiopium, i.e. black as an Ethiopian. (Ancient and Modern Britons: a retrospect, Vol. 3 by David MacRitchie, London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1884, pg. 45)<<

    I guess Pliny was incorrect then, because it is impossible for a population to depigment in just 2k years, and modern Iberians are fully european derived with only slight north african admixture as seen autosomally.

    >>That the Silures were black does not need to be questioned. They were described as short in stature, with brown complexions, and black curled hair and dark eyes. In the second century A.D., the Roman historian Pliny described the Britons complexions as “Ethiopian.” (African Presence in Early Europe by Ivan Van Sertima, ed. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2007, pg. 225) In his book, Memoirs of the Celts of Gauls, Joseph Ritson gives this assessment regarding the Silures origins<<

    Again, impossible. But let's assume it is true. Let us then ask "Where did all the black celtic britons and iberians go"? What became of them, both phenotypically and genotypically?



  2. “Untenaavian genome is clustering with africans. “
    Non-sense. Black female L in Scandinavia
    Norway Central Norway 74 Passarino et al. (2002) 1.40%[42]

    Norway - Rosenberg et al. (2002) 1.00%
    Norway - Wilson et al. (2001) 1.00%

    Britain 76 Piercy et al. (1993) 1.00%
    Finland 50 Sajantila et al. (1995) 2.00%
    Germany 333 Pliss et al. (2005) 1.20%

    >> To add onto that one of the viking major centres, Dublin actually means we're black in the Irish language.
    Dubh = black
    Linn= we
    Dubh+ Linn = We black<<

    “That is not what it means in Gaelic at all. *Ba Gaelic.”

    Non sense, go get an irish dictionary and an English one. There is no word called dubh or linn in English but there is in irish.

    >>Pliny described the Iberians complexion as aethiopium, i.e. black as an Ethiopian. (Ancient and Modern Britons: a retrospect, Vol. 3 by David MacRitchie, London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1884, pg. 45)<<

    “I guess Pliny was incorrect then, because it i”

    Iberians are fully Europeans which is why they were described as black....It doesn’t take more than 1-4 generations to get full white looking people from European admixed peoples. Did you forget about the High African admixture in Portuguese and Spaniard more so the former than the later?
    “A principal component analysis of data from Human Genome Diversity Project by Reich et al. detected a West-to-East gradient of Bantu related ancestry across Eurasia. The authors suggest that after the Out of Africa migration, there was most likely a later Bantu-related gene flow into Europe”
    Reich D, Price AL, Patterson N (May 2008). "Principal component analysis of genetic data". Nature Genetics40 (5): 491–2. doi:10.1038/ng0508-491.PMID 18443580.
    As for di-pigmented, have you even been to Portugal? Most of them are CAPABLE of tanning dark as black or biracial people.
    >>That the Silures were black does not need to be questioned. They were described as short in stature, with brown complexions, and black curled hair and dark eyes. In the second century A.D., the Roman historian Pliny described the Britons complexions as “Ethiopian.” (African Presence in Early Europe by Ivan Van Sertima, ed. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2007, pg. 225) In his book, Memoirs of the Celts of Gauls, Joseph Ritson gives this assessment regarding the Silures origins<<

    “Again, genotypically?”

    Yes impossible because you said so but people of history said it was true, who are you, why should anyone believe you over esteemed experts?

    It is well known Queen Victoria grand mother and king George iii wife was a black woman. This makes the Queen of England today making the queen about 6% black or so or 1/16th black, her grand son and future king is about 1% black. Since the whites have always had more children than black Europeans over time the whites breed them out of existence (particularly Germanic and Slavic peoples). This was because by the medieval period the demographics were changing. You went from having a black Europe to a white Europe with a fixed Black elite who painted their skin white in public to avoid being killed as there were a series of race wars that were later disguised by the European whites who took over as religious or tribal interconflict. This is why they were constantly powdering and painting their skin white (a African practice in origin by the way and professor dunn touches on this as well). Many of the elite like Niger val dubh, the black prince, the sun king etc are described as black skinned people. If you want the evidence to that, you’re going to have to wait for the book release.

    In terms of phenotype it doesn’t take more than 1 or 2 generations of marrying whites for that to go. In terms of genotype it is still there. The mtdna from above shows 1% black british ancestry in whites. The Prince of England today is about 1% black and he has a known and documented black ancestor who survived much later than alot of the other blacks did.


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