Saturday 22 February 2014

The original blacks of Europe

David MacRitchie
MacRitchie believed that blacks were the original inhabitants of Northern Europe especially in Scandinavia, Wales, Scotland and Ireland going into the Middle Ages. He list numerous Vikings who he believes to be black
  • "The Danes, then, were like the "Moors"—black." Page 121;
  • "The Danes, then were not "of pure colour." They were dubh, black." page 114.
  • "In other words, the "Gentiles of pure colour" and the "black heathen," known in history as the Norsemen and the Danes, had in this particular family become amalgamated." Page 153
  • "So that the Picts Proper and the Black Danes, being both Moors and both being "black strangers" or dubh galls, in the sight of the white races of Britain..." page 201
  • "For the black people, as we know, ante-date the Danish branch of that stock by many centuries, - how many, no one can tell" Page 157
  • "Accepting this conclusion, then as, in the main, correct, we have before us undeniable evidence - historical and ethnological - of the immemorial presence of the blacks in this country [Great Britain] page 157-158
  • "We know that the first inhabitants of Britain and more especially those of the northern parts, were craniologically of a type approaching to the Negro or the Australian race" Page 7-8
  • "'The black herds of Scots and Picts' were all alike to British Gildas Page 216
  • "Therefore, it becomes evident that some race of Scandinavians must have been Black Huns also, with physical characteristics approaching those of the Pictish Moors... Page 110
  • "...yet there is word-evidence in our Islands [Great Britain], as elsewhere, of a time when a conquered race was of black colour." Page 37
  • "That the wild tribes of Ireland were black men is hinted by the fact that "a wild Irishmen" is in Gaelic "a black Irishman" (Dubh Eireannach). And that some of the natives of Scotland, as well as of England, were of this race also is evident when one remembers that, according to Skene, the powerful tribe of the Damnonii, which was the chief of the Maeatae, or marsh-dwellers, who were a part of the Picti or Caledonii, were probably relations of their namesakes of South-Western Britain; which indeed is almost a certainty, if nomenclature goes for anything" Page 45
  • "The Wild Irishmen, or Black Irishmen, presumably of the same race, were the same. Page 62

Ancient and Modern Britons; a Retrospect Volume 1

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