Monday 10 February 2014

The Ancient Iranians and Iraqis were black part 1

You saw my previous earth shattering thread, breaking the information that the white man didn't want you to see. You read how the turko-white skin arabs call you black people 3abeeb or abeed all over twitter (means slave) and openly state how they hate abeeb and abeed wish they could a middle eastern women. But has anyone ever stopped to ask why these groups hate black people? After all what did black people ever do to these clowns to cause them so much hatred and disdain for the race? Perhaps it was giving them civilization, art, culture, linguistics, and teaching them how to spell their own name instead of grunting like a wild man.

In part 1 I will focus on Sumer and Ancient Iraq in Part I will focus on Elam and Ancient Iran.

Now Ancient Iranian culture can be divided into several groups but I will be looking mainly at the Elamites

Ancient Iraq as well can be subdivided into many but I will be looking mainly at sumer or sumeria. It an many other later Iraqi civilizations are known as Mesopotamia. Which is greek for land between two rivers

Those of you from the washington or maryland area are familiar with the POTAMIC, it refers to a river. Mesopotamia refers to land between the 2 rivers. Tigris and Euphrates where several civilization starting with sumer but later including akkad, assyria, babylonia etc.

The Sumerians did not call themselves sumer but rather ung sang gi ga or land of the blackheaded ones or black headed peoples. Just like Ancient Egypt you have eurocentrics running from the hills insisting this doesn't mean black people, but I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. they insist it means black haired people, except they don't call themselves black haired, they call themselves black heads. Further in light of the region they were in Iraq, what sense would calling yourself black headed make when presumably all your neighbours would be black haired in such a hot region.

In terms of age,Sumer is one of the oldest civilization rivaling ancient Egpyt and Cush in terms of age. The bible makes it clear the son of cush called nimrod set up and conquered much of mesopotamia and built what we know to be the tower of babel and built several cities in ancient Iraq. Ancient Sumer was preceded by a culture called the Ubaid and they date back to about 6500-3300 bce. It kind of overlaps with ancient sumer which goes back 2,900 bc -1750bce in recorded history and is believed to have been settled as early as 4000-4500 bce by NON-SEMITIC people even by eurocentrics. The reason why they can't use the typical "semite" or dark white where here before blacks is because 

Anthropology now shows
'White Europeans 'only evolved 5,500 years ago after food habits changed'
White Europeans 'only evolved 5,500 years ago after food habits changed' | Mail Online

Meaning civilizations before 3,500 bce were scientifically impossible to be white, dark white, secret caucasians etc and basically they are starting to conceed they were black (in the case where they don't claim they were aliens of course). Although the new ploy is for them to say they don't know what they were but they couldn't be black because when man moved north he slowly became white because the climate was colder even though Iraq is hotter than most of the tropical countries in africa. So the eurocentrics say they were non-indo-european (white), non semitic (dark white) but can't muster up the courage to call them what they were and what they called themselves... black.

John Baldwin wrote: “The early colonists of Babylonia were of the same race as the inhabitants of the Upper Nile.” (PreHistoric Nations by John D. Baldwin, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1869, pg. 192)

H.G. Wells states the “Sumerians appear to have been a brownish people with prominent noses.” (A Short History of the World by H.G. Wells, New York: MacMillan, 1922, pg. 75) 

Sir Arthur Keith stated that the Sumerians were dolichocephalic. (Mohenjo-Daro and the Indus Civilization: Being an Official Account of Archeological Excavations at Mohenjo-Daro Carried out by the Government of India Between the Years 1922 and 1927 by John W. Marshall, New Delhi: Asian Educational Services, 1996, pg. 109)

Dolichocephalism is a skull characteristic predominately found in blacks. (The African Origin of Civilization by Cheikh Anta Diop, Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books, 1974, pg. 261)

Rudolph Windsor clearly stated: “There is definitely a blood relationship between the Dravidian tribes of India and the Ethiopian Sumerians.” (From Babylon to Timbuktu by Rudolph R. Windsor. Atlanta: Windsor’s Golden Series, 2203, pg. 17)

Herbert Wendt wrote: “All indications point to the fact that Asia was the cradle of the black race.” (It Began in Babel by Herbert Wendt. New York: Delta Dell Publishing Company, 1964, pg. 368.) Because everywhere they dug from Iran, Iraq, Arabia, the colchis to china and papua new guinea, everywhere, all they found was black people so they were convinced blacks must have originated from there.

Sumerians described as black by historians, not black haired.

"They are described in the Assyrio-Babylonian inscriptions as a black-faced people" (Jackson, John G. Man, God, and Civilization 242)

The Babylonian historian Berossus referred to the Sumerians as "black-faced foreigners" in his History of Babylonia

"The myths, legends, and traditions of the Sumerians definitely point to Africa as the original home of the Sumerians. The first Sumerian remains were unearthed in the middle of the nineteenth century by Hincks, Oppert, and Rawlinson. Sir Henry Rawlinson called these people Cusheeites...Rawlinson anticipated Perry by tracing the Sumerians back to Ethiopia" (Jackson 246). Note that the descend of Sumerians from Ethiopia (Cush) fits precisely with the scriptural statement that Nimrod was son of Cush, father of the Ethiopians.

But where was this mythical chaldea

"All the best qualified investigators agree that the evidence already obtained shows conclusively the Cusheeite or Ethiopian origin of Chaldea" (p 192 pre-historic nations John d. baldwin) -on the origin of chaldea

Hmmm seems pretty conclusive to me.

"The region known as Susiana [Elam/ancient Iran] was politically connected with Chaldea from the earliest times. It was occupied by people of the same race [recall who the author states the chaldeans were], who, in the course of time may have developed a Susianian dialect of the common language. The region was probably included on the district first colonized by the Cusheeites. Its ruins are of great antiquity and show plainly their Cusheeite origin" (p 197)

Rawlinson was surprised during his research to discover that the founders of the Mesopotamian civilization were of Kusheeite (Cusheeite) origin. He made it clear that the Semitic speakers of Akkad and the non-Semitic speakers of Sumer were both Black or Negro people who called themselves sag-gig-ga “Black Heads”. In Rawlinson’s day the (agglutinative Turanian speaking) Sumerian people were recognized as Akkadian or Chaldean, while the Semitic speaking blacks were called Assyrians.
Dr. CA Winters
Ancient African Writing Systems and Knowledge: The Sumerians and Akkadians were Blacks

“Before the Chaldean rule in Mesopotamia, there were the empires of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians. The earliest civilization of Mesopotamia was that of the Sumerians. They are designated in the Assyrio-Babylonian inscriptions as the black-heads or black-faced people, and they are shown on the monuments as beardless and with shaven heads. This easily distinguishes them from the Semitic Babylonians, who are shown with beards and long hair. From the myths and traditions of the Babylonians we learn that their culture came originally from the south. Sir Henry Rawlinson concluded from this and other evidence that the first civilized inhabitants of Sumer and Akkad were immigrants from the African Ethiopia. John D. Baldwin, the American Orientalist, on the other hand, claims that since ancient Arabia was also known as Ethiopia, they could have just as well come from that country."
(The Ancient History of the Near East, pp. 173–174, London, 1916.)”

For those who don't want to read why it was hidden, basically german european jew hid the truth to deny black semites were the original semites because of anti jew racism in germany at the time.

Rawlinson identified these Akkadians as Turanian or Scythic people. But he made it clear that these ancient Scythic or Turanian speaking people were Kusheeites or Blacks.

A major supporter of Rawlinson was Edward Hincks (1792-1866). Hincks continued Rawlinson’s work and identified the ancient group as Chaldeans, and also called them Turanian speakers. Hincks, though, never discussed their ethnic origin.

A late comer to the study of the Sumerians and the Akkadians was Julius Oppert (1825-1905). Oppert was a German born of Jewish parents. He made it clear that the Chaldean and Akkadian people spoke different languages. He noted that the original founders of Mesopotamia civilization called themselves Ki-en-gi “land of the true lords” (Kang, Tr. "predecessors, pra-fathers", later also Kangars). It was the Semitic speakers who called themselves Akkadians.

Oppert knew Rawlinson had used African languages to decipher cuneiform writing. But he did not compare the Sumerian to African languages, probably, due to the fact that he knew they were related given Rawlinson’s earlier research.

It is strange to some observers that Oppert never criticized Rawlinson who had proposed the Turanian origin of the Ki-en-gi (Sumerians, Kangars). But this was not strange at all. Oppert did not attack Rawlinson who was still alive at the time because he knew that Rawlinson said the Sumerians were the original Scythic and Turanian people he called Kusheeites. Moreover, Rawlinson made it clear that both the Akkadians and Sumerians were Blacks. For Oppert to have debated this issue with Rawlinson, who deciphered the cuneiform script, would have meant that he would have had to accept the fact that Semites were Black. There was no way Oppert would have wanted to acknowledge his African heritage, given the Anti-Semitism experienced by Jews living in Europe.
Although Oppert successfully hid the recognition that the Akkadians and the Sumerians both referred to themselves as sag-gig-ga “black heads”, some researchers were unable to follow the status quo and ignore this reality. For example, Francois Lenormant (1837-1883) made it clear, following the research of Rawlinson, that the Elamite and Sumerians spoke genetically related languages. This idea was hard to reconcile with the depiction of people on the Persian monuments, especially the Behistun monument, which depicted Negroes (with curly hair and beards) representing the Assyrians, Jews and Elamites who ruled the area. As a result, Oppert began the myth that the Sumerian languages was isolated from other languages spoken in the world even though it shared typological features with the Altaic languages. Oppert taught Akkadian-Sumerian in many of the leading Universities in France and Germany. Many of his students soon began to dominate the Academe, or held chairs in Sumerian and Akkadian studies, these researchers continued to perpetuate the (generally, contained only inside the Euro-centric academic school) myth that the Elamite and Sumerian languages were not related.
There was no way to keep from researchers who read the original Sumerian, Akkadian and Assyrian text that these people recognized that they were ethnically Blacks. This fact was made clear by Albert Terrien de LaCouperie (1845-1894). Born in France, de LaCouperie was a well known linguist and China expert. Although native of France, most of his writings are in English. In the journal he published called the Babylonian and Oriental Record, he outlined many aspects of ancient history. In these pages he made it clear that the Sumerians, Akkadians and even the Assyrians who called themselves salmat kakkadi "black headed people”, were all Blacks of Kusheeite origin. Even though de LaCouperie taught at the University of London, the prestige of Oppert, and the fact that the main centers for Sumero-Akkadian studies in France and Germany were founded by Oppert and or his students, led to researchers ignoring the evidence that the Sumerians, Akkadians, and Assyrians were Black.

In summary, the cuneiform evidence makes it clear that the Sumerians, Akkadians, and Assyrians recognized themselves as Negroes: “black heads”. This fact was supported by the statues of Gudea, the Akkadians and Assyrians. Plus the Behistun monument made it clear that the Elamites were also Blacks.

The textual evidence also makes it clear that Oppert began the discussion of a typological relationship between Sumerian and Turkic languages (after Rawlinson identified the Sumerians-Akkadians as Turanian or Scythic people). He also manufactured the idea that the Semites of Mesopotamia and Iran, the Assyrians and Akkadians were “whites”, like himself (you can find a long and winding blurb on the Caucasoidness/Europeoidness of the N.Africans in most of the English-language popular materials. But anybody who saw an Egyptian mummy, and a mummy of a tanned white-skinned corps, can tell that the Hamitic Egyptiand were not lily-white at all, and had a curly hair). Due to this brain washing, and whitening out of Blacks in history, many people today can look at depictions of Assyrians, Achamenians, and Akkadians and fail to see the Negro origin of these people.
Ancient African Writing Systems and Knowledge: The Sumerians and Akkadians were Blacks

Now lets see some images

Painting scene from Mari (North-West Sumer) of the Annunaki including Inanna or Nanana (top register) and Enlil (middle register) being attended to by ‘lesser-dinger’ – the Iggigi. Note the ‘African’ race of Sumerians as distinct from, and indicated by the Aryan (White) ‘fisher-man’ and the African ‘fisher-man’ (partially shown) in the bottom register

Dingir (Goddess) Inana or Dingir Nanana

elamite version of enki sumerian god below

Comparison of Ntcheru (Kemet) and Dingir (Sumer)
Kemet – Ntcheru Sumer – Dingir Manifestation
Anu Anu Creator
Ra Anu, Utu Sun
Geb Enlil Sky, Earth
Ausar Enki, Assur, Asari Ruler of Earth, Vegetation, Animal, and Man; Ruler of the ‘Lower Ennead’ (Ausar) / ‘Lower Annunaki’ [the Iggigi] (Enki), and ‘Governor’ of moral-behavior on Earth.
Auset Inana, Nanana Ruler of Earth, Vegetation, Animal and Man; Goddess of fertility and nurturing; Guardian of birth-rite to the throne
Ennead Annunaki Governing body of Ntcheru / Dingir that reside in Heaven
The gods of kmt and sumer were even similar. Given both have cusheeite roots/influence this is not surprising.

It is clear once you see a painted version that even the unpainted versions are clearly intented to portray black people. Look how flat the nose is compared to modern iranians who have large thin, aquiline hook noses, they even have more thin hook nose than white people.

Elamite cavalry, although elam will be another post, note the similarity in his hair style and nubians as portrayed in ancient egypt.

Elamite God

Note the nose
This is what a typical Iranian looks like

They have hook nose and a thin nose, the only one with flat, are the ones getting surgey as rhinoplasty or nose surgery to get your NOSE FLATTENED! Is the number 1 surgery i Iran today. Imagine that, while some of us black people are hating our broad nose or making fun of each other, those calling us slaves and abeeb or abeed or whatever are going to the doctor to look like us? Why, because they know the way they look is not normal and its a disease.

You see these turko-arabs and turko persians don't truly hate black people, between their skin whitening, skin darkening, nose broadening and nose flattening, and hair straightening, they truly just hate themselves. And to cope with it they have to project their self hatred onto the people who found and built their nations and gave them civilization on a silver platter that they would latter to run into the stone age with their backward islamic satanic cult religion. Black people.

Hell they even had black princes and princess into the middle ages

Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi (Arabic: إبراهيم بن المهدي‎) (779–839) was an Abbasid prince, singer, composer and poet. He was the son of the third Abbasid caliph Al-Mahdi.[1] He was not a full brother of Al-Mahdi's sons Al-Hadi and Harun al-Rashid, since his mother was not Al-Khayzuran but rather an Afro Iranian princess named Shikla or Shakla. Historian Ibn Khallikan reported that Ibrahim was consequently "of dark complexion."[2]
During the Fourth Fitna, Ibrahim was proclaimed caliph on 20 July 817 by the people of Baghdad, who gave him the regnal name of al-Mubarak (Arabic: المبارك‎) and declared his reigning nephew Al-Ma'mun deposed. Ibrahim received the allegiance of the Hashemites.[3] He had to resign in 819, and spent the rest of his life as a poet and a musician. He is remembered as "one of the most gifted musicians of his day, with a phenomenal vocal range.

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