Monday 10 February 2014

The Ancient Iranians and Iraqis were black part 2

Abbasaid empire

Ziggaurts, ancient temples built by the sumerians that kind of resemble stepped pyramids

Sumer was actually the home many of the famous hebrews. Abraham was a man from ur and was chaldean, and as I already proven these people were widely accepted by the top investigators to be black. Hence the hebrew and sumerian legends often overlap. Ie. the story of noah exist in the sumerian theology as well.

The sumerians also knew nimrod but knew him as king Enmerkar, they also know the story of the tower of babel and many anthrpologist think it refers to a 300 foot tall ziggaurts

Dr kwaku expands on the relationship

Cush (biblical son of Ham and grandson of Noah), fathered Nimrod, who was the first potentate on earth. Hence the saying, 'Like Nimrod a mighty hunter in the eyes of Yahweh'.

Biblically, the mainstays of Nimrods Empire were Babel, Erech and Akkad (Agade), all of them in the land of Shinar. Shinar is (biblical ancient Sumer), Akkad was the capital of the later Akkadian empire, (that city is still to be located). Biblical Erech is Uruk, and Babel, as we have seen, originally referred to Eridu.

But Nimrod himself has always eluded identification - until now. The trick was to realize that the element 'kar' in Enmerkar was the Sumerian word for 'hunter'. Thus the name consists of a nomen plus an epithet - Enmer 'the hunter'. This was precisely the epithet in Genesis, used to describe Nimrod.

The next step was straightforward. Ancient Hebrew was originally written without vowels (as in the Dead Sea Scrolls). Vowel indicators were only added to the Masoretic manuscripts, from the 5th century A.D, onwards. So in early copies of Genesis the name Nimrod would simply have been written "nmrd". The name Enmer would also have been transcribed into Hebrew as 'nmr' - identical to Nimrod but for the last 'd'.

The Bible is well known for its play on words. Hebrew writers often translated foreign names into familiar Hebrew words, which they felt had appropriate meaning. In this case, they changed Sumerian 'nmr' to Hebrew 'nmrd', because the latter had the meaning 'rebel' - a perfect description for the king who defied God, by building a tower up to heaven
Author: L. H. Dudley Buxton and D. Tablot Rice

Source: Reports on the Human Remains Found at Kish. 1937.

There were 3 types of skulls found:
1. Eurafrican,
2. Mediterranean, and
3. Armenoid

1. Eurafrican

The primary skull type found in Sumeria was the Eurafrican type. This type of skull is very similar the Combe-Capelle skull of the paleolithic, but smaller in size. Heavy browridges and retreating forehead are some traits of the Eurafrican skull.
The Eurafrican type is what anthropologist from the 1700-1970 basically called black skulls with some minor variations that they believed may have been caused by cold climate. So you find a black skull (there are about 20 points used to class skulls in a race) with 1 feature that is "off" or viewed to be european like a rounder eye socket, its eurafrican (as opposed to quote on quote true negroid skulls). For instance, someone like snoop dogg would be called eurafrican because he has a hooknose. Someone with low cheek bones who was otherwise black looking would be called eurafrica. Yes I know its retarded but these people had serious racial insecurities. It was easier to call sumerians eurafrican than black.

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