Tuesday 11 February 2014

The Marco Polo Myth and Denial of black Greece

The Marco Polo Myth and Denial of black Greece
English: Mogadishu
Italian: Mogadiscio
Transliteration: M-q-d-ya-sh-u
Arabic: م ق د ي ش و‎
Arabic: مقديشو

Mogadiscio =Madagascar?
NOTES.—I. Madagascar; some confusion here with Magadoxo.

So the claim is that Marco Polo mixed up his Arabic... if he spoke any and saw Mogadishu in Arabic and mixed up Mogadishu to mean our modern Madagascar. Here is why this cannot be believed
None of the variations are like nor do they provide a satisfactory explanation for how the island of Madagascar got its name. The eurocentricks claim that Marko Polo went there but mixed up the name of Madagascar with Mogodishu so when he is talking about Madagascar he really means Mogadishu, which makes no sense bcause it doesn’t explain why Madagascar is called Madagascar and not Mogadishu and Mogadishu isn’t called Madagascar. But we must rely on the eurocentrick experts who all have contradicting explanations and translations as a reliable source. Of course they never explain what Madagascar was really called or known to the Italians/Ventians and Polo since he is credited with the invention of the word by the eurocentricks. Polo came from venice a powerful European trading state with lots of wealthy jews, it is the place that the merchant of venice by Shakespeare was written about. I can understand this is all very confusing to understand... understandably so, it is MEANT TO CONFUSE YOU... to make you feel stupid, so you don’t ask questions? Essentially understand this. Italians call Mogadishu > Mogadiscio. Polo called it something similar and would have known of its Arabic name if he had been there (which he probably didn’t). The problem is none of it explains how modern Madagascar ended up being known as Madagascar when Polo called Mogadishu Madagascar.

2. We are to believe Polo ventured to both Mogadishu and Madagascar when not only the character, flora, fauna and language would have been different and locations but he cannot even distinguish an Island from a country on the mainland. He is a guy who thought the east coast of Africa was part of “Middle India”. This of course is ridiculous, but you’ll see why he thought this... according to modern day eurocentricks. The answer has to do with modern eurocentricks compiling myths and tales from older manuscripts and compiling into a book and falsely attributing it to Marco Polo in a book that he never wrote.

“Indeed, the ships of Maabar which visit this
Island of Madeigascar, and that other of Zanghibar,
arrive thither with marvellous speed, for great as the
distance is they accomplish it in 20 days, whilst the
return voyage takes them more than 3 months. This
(I say) is because of the strong current running south,
which continues with such singular force and in the
same direction at all seasons”

Polo’s accounts defy basic geography. Had he been to the region he would have known there are two currents a south AND north current and the current can even change direction in monsoon season particularly around Mozambique. This reads more like someone hearing distant hear say... a statement that will become of increasing importance when you reach the end of this post.

'Tis said that in those other Islands to the south,
which the ships are unable to visit because this strong
current prevents their return, is found the bird Gryphon,
which appears there at certain seasons. The descrip-
tion given of it is however entirely different from what
our stories and pictures make it. For persons who had
been there and had seen it told Messer Marco Polo
that it was for all the world like an eagle, but one indeed
of enormous size ; so big in fact that its wings covered
an extent of 3o paces, and its quills were 12 paces long,
and thick in proportion. And it is so strong that it will
seize an elephant in its talons and carry him high into
the air, and drop him so that he is smashed to pieces ;
having so killed him the bird gryphon swoops down on
him and eats him at leisure”

-Does one not see the obvious irony in such a statement, an island of no return that of course only Polo meets the people who return from the islands of no return? He also gets the current wrong, yes there is a current that does run south but if he visited Madagascar he would have to have found a northern current to return, so if he been there, he would know it wasn’t only a southern current in the region.
-Polo isn’t merely saying this is a myth, he is claiming to have gone to these places because he claims the description given is different from his stories and pictures of his own. In otherwords his descriptions don’t even match the fairy tales of the people who told it to him. This is called an inconsistency and when you lie, you have alot of them.
-He is falsely claiming magical birds exist that can pick up an elephant, the fact that he is so guillable or loose with facts makes his accounts questionable.

5. Marco Polo never would have had the time to visit Africa if his story is true.

“ The Polo party left Venice in 1271. They left China in late 1290 or early 1291[8] and were back in Venice in 1295. The tradition is that Polo dictated the book to a romancewriter, Rustichello da Pisa, while in prison in Genoa between 1298–1299”

“Polo was finally released from captivity in August 1299,[9] and returned home to Venice, where his father and uncle had purchased a large house in the central quarter namedcontrada San Giovanni Crisostomo. The company continued its activities and Marco soon became a wealthy merchant. Polo financed other expeditions, but never left Venice again. In 1300, he married Donata Badoer, the daughter of Vitale Badoer, a merchant.[13] They had three daughters, Fantina, Bellela and Moreta.[14]
Marco Polo’s journey accoding to virtually every source

So Marco Polo’s biography says he has never been to Africa because he never left Venice after returning in 1299 and being arrested where he dictated his book after his travels. All of his dates are quiet well documented, we know pretty much exactly when and where Polo was during his 24 year journey throughout Asia. Polo never been to Eastern coast of Africa yet supposedly wrote about it. So how does that happen?
A. Modern eurocentrick Forgery using later sources from Iran, Arabia and Africa.
B. Well he had an expedition company and did travel through many Persian and arab nations, a possible explanation was he heard it second hand or got inventive and made it up.
A is more likely simply because it seems his works copied things from a real African explorer called Ibn Battuta. I’m not certain at this point whether or not he was black, I’d have to investigate further but he was a Moroccan and travelled to most of the places that modern eurocentricks falsely attribute to Polo. We do know for instance the Persians kept alot of records for example Socrates uses the Persian records to establish that the Phoencians were Eritreans in origin.

6. We can be certain he was never in the east coast of Africa because for one it would make his timeline not add up and would actually contradict his own maps and claims (this is why virtually all marco polo maps look like the one I showed). It is of extra importance to note the Polo’s book does not appear all in one place but rather is a series of manuscripts and by series we are talking about over 150+. In other words it’s not possible to separate out easily what was and wasn’t written by Polo because each manuscript must be authenticated on its own merits. In fact we can’t even be sure is any of Polo’s documents are authentic or any of his travels existed. Additionally the earliest manuscripts contradict each other.

“An authoritative version of Marco Polo's book does not and cannot exist, for the early manuscripts differ significantly. The published editions of his book either rely on single manuscripts, blend multiple versions together, or add notes to clarify, for example in the English translation by Henry Yule. The 1938 English translation by A.C. Moule and Paul Pelliot is based on a Latin manuscript found in the library of the Cathedral of Toledo in 1932, and is 50% longer than other versions.[17] Approximately 150 manuscript copies in various languages are known to exist, and before availability of the printing press discrepancies were inevitably introduced during copying and translation.[18] The popular translation published by Penguin Books in 1958 by R.E. Latham works several texts together to make a readable whole”
To make a long story short, they use every euro-cent-trick in the book to make up Polo’s fake adventures in Africa. If one single scholar wrote Polo’s travels adventures in a prison stint, then why are there such vast variation in the manufscripts that one can be double the length of the other? Clearly someone added in something.

Furthermore, Polo (or the works falsely attributed to him) is just plain and grossly inaccurate. For instance, he describes the island of Zanzibar (Which he spells wrong by the way) as being 2000 miles. This is what 2000 miles looks like


Would an explorer as well travelled as Polo really be that stupid? Or does this seem to be more like the typical European exaggeration who knew nothing about a continent and knew damn well no one alive at their time could ever prove the claim wrong so just made up a randomly large number? This is a guy saying that Grifons are real and can lift an elephant up into the sky. If Polo’s book is real he is a darned liar.

We don’t even know if he really did go to China or just invented the claim from other travellers.
“Skeptics have wondered if Marco Polo actually went to China or if he perhaps wrote his book based on hearsay. While Polo describes paper money and the burning of coal, he fails to mention the Great Wall of China, Chinese characters, chopsticks, or footbinding.”
Historian Frances Wood, Did Marco Polo Go to China?(London: Secker & Warburg; Boulder, Colorado: Westview, 1995).

Whereas Polo left out the great wall of china, Ibn Battuta specifically documents it.
“The North African traveler Ibn Battuta, who was in Guangzhou ca. 1346, inquired among the local Muslims about the wall that, according to the Qur'an, Dhul-Qarnayn had built to contain Gog and Magog”
“Ibn Battuta provides the earliest description of the Great Wall of China with regards to Islamic geography.”
“ Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb notes that Ibn Battuta believed that the Great Wall of China was built by Dhul-Qarnayn to contain Gog and Magog as mentioned in the Quran.[63”
Gibb & Beckingham 1994, p. 896.

This is problematic for Polo because he left out the most important thing in China. Detractors claim. Polo visited Asia during the late 1280s and/or 1290s.

“Hans Ulrich Vogel of Germany’s Tubingen University might help restore Marco Polo’s integrity. In a new book entitled “Marco Polo Was in China,” the professor of Chinese history counters the arguments most frequently made by skeptics in an attempt to prove once and for all that the Venetian spoke the truth. He suggests, for example, that Polo didn’t include the Great Wall in his chronicles because the impressive monument only achieved its great proportions under the Ming dynasty, several hundred years later. Vogel further maintains that Chinese records from the 13th and 14th centuries routinely glossed over visits from Western envoys, making Polo’s exclusion less peculiar.”

Ming Dynasty from 1368-1644

Yet Ibn Battuta saw the great wall 22 years before there was a Ming Dynasty. Polo never saw the great wall which was construction goes back to 220 ad and possibly 700 bc because he never went to china and is a fraud created by modern eurocentricks. Sad really that a modern historian is trying to pretend the great wall was never built just to keep the myth of marco polo.

Even Italians don’t believe him
“Wood and other scholars have argued that Marco Polo based his tales of China and Mongolia on information gleaned from fellow traders who had actually been there. Last year a team of Italian researchers became the latest skeptics to dismiss Polo’s claims, saying that archaeological evidence doesn’t support his account of Kublai Khan’s Japanese invasions. For instance, Polo described the Mongol fleet’s ships as having five masts, but excavations have only turned up three-masted vessels.”

Polo’s claims are historically inaccurate. Polo despite his supposed high stature is basically absent from all records. Polo even invents words and uses Persian words to describe Chinese places. This is more consistent with stealing a story from a Persian than having been to China.
“Polo’s description of the Mongol fleet did not square with the remains of ships the archaeologists excavated in Japan, as he had written of ships with five masts, while those which had been found had only three.
‘It was during our dig that doubts began to emerge about much of what he wrote,’ added Professor Petrella.
'When he describes Kublai Khan’s fleet he talks about the pitch that was used to make ships’ hulls watertight. He used the word 'chunam’, which in Chinese and Mongol means nothing.
'In fact, it is the Persian word for pitch. It’s also odd that instead of using, as he does in most instances, local names to describe places, he used Persian terms for Mongol and Chinese place names.'
The explorer claimed to have worked as an emissary to the court of Kublai Khan, but his name does not crop up in any of the surviving Mongol or Chinese records.
The famous travel book was said to have been dictated by Polo to a fellow prisoner named Pisa while he was in jail after returning from his adventures, and to be fair to Polo, it is thought Pisa embellished many of the stories.
But the latest claims back those made in a book by British academic Frances Wood in 1995 entitled 'Did Marco Polo go to China?'. She argued he never got beyond the Black Sea and that his famed account was a collection of travellers’ tales.”

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The embellishment of stories like travels to Africa make sense in light of him describing African people as so strong they could carry 5 men or giant and stout.

Mainstream eurocentrics claim that Zanizibar had Persian influences and immigrants before Polo could have arrived during his life time, of course he never went to Africa to begin with which is why he contradicts eurocentrics by stating
“They are all black...”

Marco Polo has some elaborate stories on Africa but cannot name a specific date he was allegedly there. Unlike his Asian voyage he cannot even give a single date, its just taken for granted.

Why are marco polo’s African accounts not credible, lets see his statements
The translator states the following on Polo
“his [polo] information about it was very incorrect in many particulars. There are no elephants nor camels in the island, nor any leopards, bears, or lions in Madagascar.”
But the translator falsely assumes it must still be Madagascar anyways despite the flora, fauna and geography being all wrong.

p. 412. Speaking of the bird Ruc at Madeigascar, Marco
Polo says : " It is so strong that it will seize an elephant in its talons
and carry him high into the air, and drop him so that he is smashed to
pieces ; having so killed him the bird gryphon swoops down on him
and eats him at leisure."

The Ruc is a mythical bird of Persian origin which has nothing to do with Madagascar but of course he wouldn’t know because he’s never been there.

Notice a pattern of everything about Marco Polo says or does incorrect from giving Persian names to mongol and Chinese places to only visiting African places with Persian influences . This is highly suspicious.

Madagascar... Marco Polo has never been there if it is
“Madagascar : the wrong application of a wrong name of Mogadiso to that island goes back at least to the time of Ramusio (16th cent.).
See MOGEDAXO, p. 781.
Madeigascar » : according to Grandidier, it was simply a corruption of « Magadicho ou Mogdicho n.
See MOGEDAXO, p. 779.”

12. Marco Polo thought Africa and India were all the same.
“Abash is a very great Province, and you must know that it constitutes the MIDDLE INDIA; and it is on the mainland.”
So he believes Ethiopia is a province of India and not just Ethiopia but all of the places in Africa he writes about. He cannot distinguish Africa from India despite making it clear all of the people in Zanzibar were black earlier. Makes one wonder what the people in India was.

Concerning the Island of Zanghibar. A Word on India in General
Zanghibar is a great and noble Island, with a compass of some 2000 miles.[1]The people are all Idolaters, and have a king and a language of their own, and pay tribute to nobody. They are both tall and stout, but not tall in proportion to their stoutness, for if they were, being so stout and brawny, they would be absolutely like giants; and they are so strong that they will carry for four men and eat for five.
They are all black, and go stark naked, with only a little covering for decency. Their hair is as black as pepper, and so frizzly that even with water you can scarcely straighten it. And their mouths are so large, their noses so turned up, their lips so thick, their eyes so big and bloodshot, that they look like very devils; they are in fact so hideously ugly that the world has nothing to show more horrible.”
“Madeigascar is an Island towards the south, about a thousand miles from Scotra. The people are all Saracens, adoring Mahommet”

This cannot be our Madagascar for several reasons, its was not entirely muslim, and it is far more than 1000 miles from scotra which is basically off the coast of yemen. I doubt the island of Zanzibar has a language unique to itself or of its own, I’ve never heard of it, but it could exist. The contradictions in the description of them being tall and stout and stout and giant. He describes the islands of having a compass of 2000 miles which is utterly ridiculous. Also I doubt that ALL of anywhere in the world any major place like Zanzibar was just a single race, even back then. I am sure there were some Persian traders or at least diplomats or envoys.

“In this Island, and in another beyond it called ZANGHIBAR, about which we shall tell you afterwards, there are more elephants than in any country in the world. The amount of traffic in elephants' teeth in these two Islands is something astonishing.”

Again no elephants in Madagascar and is it really reasonable to think a small island like Madagascar would have more elephants than ANY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD? Does this not just sound like myth to you?

Camel population world wide


“In this Island they eat no flesh but that of camels; and of these they kill an incredible number daily. They say it is the best and wholesomest of all flesh; and so they eat of it all the year ro”nd"
The translator puts the following note

“Marco is, I believe, the first writer European or Asiatic, who unambiguously speaks of MADAGASCAR; but his information about it was very incorrect in many particulars. There are no elephants nor camels in the island, nor any leopards, bears, or lions.”

“Indeed, I have no doubt that Marco, combining information from different sources, made some confusion between Makdashau (Magadoxo) and Madagascar, and that particulars belonging to both are mixed up here. This accounts for Zanghibar being placed entirely beyond Madagascar, for the entirely Mahomedan character given to the population, for the hippopotamus-teeth and staple trade in ivory, as well for the lions, elephants, and other beasts. But above all the camel-killing indicates Sumali Land and Magadoxo as the real locality of part of the information. Says Ibn Batuta: "After leaving Zaila we sailed on the sea for 15 days, and arrived at Makdashau, an extremely large town. The natives keep camels in great numbers, and they slaughter several hundreds daily" (II. 181). The slaughter of camels for food is still a Sumali practice. (See J.R.G.S. VI. 28, and XIX. 55.) Perhaps the Shaikhs (Esceqe) also belong to the same quarter, for the Arab traveller says that the Sultan of Makdashau had no higher title than Shaikh(183); and Brava, a neighbouring settlement, was governed by 12 shaikhs. (De Barros, I. viii. 4.) Indeed, this kind of local oligarchy still prevails on that coast.
We may add that both Makdashau and Brava are briefly described in the Annals of the Ming Dynasty. The former Mu-ku-tu-su, lies on the sea, 20 days from Siao-Kolan (Quilon?), a barren mountainous country of wide extent, where it sometimes does not rain for years. In 1427 a mission came from this place to China. Pu-la-wa (Brava, properly Barawa) adjoins the former, and is also on the sea. It produces olibanum, myrrh, and ambergris; and among animals elephants, camels, rhinoceroses, spotted animals like asses, etc”

Why is Polo’s book relying on Ibn Battuta?

Long story short, Polo probably never wrote any of this, it seems to be works fabricated long after he was dead falsely attributed to him using real sources like Ibn Batuta and the Ming sources to construct the work.

So when did Euroliars invent the lie that Polo even knew of Madagascar despite it contradicting all evidence in his own writings as he can describe nothing accurately from there.... He thinks its an island that is part of India and turns around and calls all the people black... makes one wonder what the people in modern India looked like back then for him to consider an island of dark skin black people to be Indian...
“M.G. Ferrand, formerly French Agent at Fort Dauphin, has devoted ch. ix. (pp. 83-90) of the second part of his valuable work Les Musulmans a Madagascar (Paris, 1893), to the "Etymology of Madagascar." He believes that M. Polo really means the great African Island. I mention from his book that M. Guet (Origines de l'ile Bourbon, 1888) brings the Carthaginians to Madagascar, and derives the name of this island from Madax-Aschtoret or Madax-Astarte”

Of course what proof is there the Polo really means this


Marco Polo fails to describe Islands and cities in their proper order
Real Order Polo's Order
including 1. Mutfili (Telingana) 1. Mutfili
2. St. Thomas's (Madras) 2. St Thomas's (Lar, west of do.)
3. Maabar Proper, Kingdom of Sonder Bandi (Tanjore) 3. Maabar proper, or Soli
4. Cail (Tinnevelly) 4. Cail
5. Comari (C. Comorin) 5. Colium
including 6. Coilum (Travancore) 6. Comari
7. Eli (Cananore) 7. Eli
or LAR,
including 8. Tana (Bombay) 8. (MELIBAR)
9. Canbaet (Cambay) 9. (GOZURAT)
10. Semenat (Somnath) 10. Tana
11. Kesmacoran (Mekran) 11. Canbaet
12. Semenat
13. Kesmacoran

Further he often gives bizarre descriptions written by someone who never actually been to the place he is describing ie.
“Concerning the Kingdom of Semenat
Semenat is a great kingdom towards the west. The people are Idolaters, and have a king and a language of their own, and pay tribute to nobody. They are not corsairs, but live by trade and industry as honest people ought. It is a place of very great trade. They are forsooth cruel Idolaters”

“Concerning the Kingdom of Cambaet
Cambaet is a great kingdom lying further west. The people are Idolaters, and have a language of their own, and a king of their own, and are tributary to nobody”

I smell bull sheeit. Anyone could just write that up and it sounds made up. California is a kingdom towards the west. The people are Idolaters, and have a language of their own and pay tribute to nobody. See how easy it is to make this up.

Lastly Polo claimed something like there were 12,700 islands in the Indian ocean in his book, I can’t seem to find the specific quote but the number seems way off given several checks from multiple sources seem to have it under 100.

So how did modern Madagascar end up with its name? Why the necessity to claim all this hooey. Basically its 3 fold
1. Discredit Ibn Battuta the actual real explorer from Morocco who actually visited most of the places Marco Polo only pretended to and whose work later eurocentricks would use in the manuscripts to falsify marco polo’s so called travel book along with Persian books of history, which further investigation is required to know what happened to. Iran today is a closed nation, its not very easy to go and just find these books, and few westerners speak Persian and few Persians know well enough of Western History to speak about these issues deeply.
2. Use as an effort to deny the black linkage to ancient Greece
3. Use an effort to deny the true black berbers

1. Ibn Battuta next arrived in the island town of Kilwa in present-day Tanzania,[32] which had become an important transit centre of the gold trade.[33] He described the city as "one of the most beautiful and well-constructed towns in the world”
Leften Stavros Stavrianos, The world to 1500: a global history, (Prentice-Hall, 1970), p.354.
This was around 1330. This creates a problem for eurocentrism because you have a well travelled historian or traveller saying one of the top constructed town in the world was in Tanzania. When you understand the necessity to portray the African savage (like the Indian savage or the asian savage or german savage) who should be thankful for white oppression, Ibn Battuta must be discredited. Either that or you accept that Tanzania was ruined by white colonialism. I do recommend you check out the construction of kilwa, I believe Historian Basil Davidson does a nice documentary on it and how one of the most advanced African cities was DESTROYED by white central asian-europeans.
Ibn Battuta in Egypt

So which is it eurocentrics, clearly one of those men is black, admit either egyptians were black or ibn battuta was. Pick your poison.

2. The link is quiet clear
According to the Periplus, the ruler of Aksum in the 1st century CE was Zoscales, who, besides ruling in Aksum also held under his sway two harbours on the Red Sea: Adulis (near Massawa) and Avalites (Assab). He is also said to have been familiar with Greek literature:
"These places, from the Calf-Eaters to the other Berber country, are governed by Zoscales; who is miserly in his ways and always striving for more, but otherwise upright, and acquainted with Greek literature."
—Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, Chap.5

Note where barbaria is considered by the ancients to be west of the mountains of Ethiopia but east of the nile

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