Tuesday 11 February 2014

The Marco Polo Myth and Denial of black Greece part 2

The Marco Polo Myth and Denial of black Greece

Yet the Eurocentricks offer no explanation for why African royalty would be speaking greek when by this point the Greeks were probably speaking Roman as they had been conquered by the roman empire. The answer is quiet obvious because not only did he speak Greek but many Axumite kings from this period minted coins in Greek. This is because the original Greeks were indeed black Africans.

King Edybis of Axum 230 bce

As this relates to Madagascar. Well lets put it like this.

One of the early founders of Greece come from somewhere between the South sudan and Tanzania region they spread all over it and through many parts of the world. I’ve spoken about them before and they are known as the Kr or Kar or Car or Ker Africans and took their god Kar wherever they went. They were known as the Carians in Greece and Madagascarians in Madagascar. The Marko Polo myths are taught to hide the true linkage between the African Carians and the black Greek Carians.

“Some of the first African colonists to arrive in Greece came from Crete. These Cretans were called Garamantes. After the goddess Ker or Car, these people also came to be also known as the Carians. The Carians spoke a Mande languages.” Winters

Ie in Uganda Kai-kar-a is the same kar god of the karians from Greece related distantly to the same car madig-as-carians
Madiga-s-carians= mande carians (seafaring)
Only difference between madigas and mandingas is the missing Ns which was probably dropped over time as it was a silent letter. The most probable explanation was when Eurocentricks were falsifying the records they saw the word in a foreign language like Persian or Arabic or chinese that just dropped the silent N and gave you Madigascar.

The N was dropped most likely to its influence from Niger Congo B languages as it occurs quiet commonly in African languages of the southern variety to have numerous silent letters particular around the N.

De Barros, after describing the dangers of the Channel of Mozambique, adds: "And as the Moors of this coast of Zanguebar make their voyages in ships and sambuks sewn with coir, instead of being nailed like ours, and thus strong enough to bear the force of the cold seas of the region about the Cape of Good Hope,.. they never dared to attempt the exploration of the regions to the westward of the Cape of Currents, although they greatly desired to do so." (Dec. I. viii. 4; and see also IV. i. 12.)

This creates a problem for the white berbers who don’t exist in Mozambique. First Polo describes all the people of Zanzibar as black, now they are Moors so what does that tell you the moors were?

The other problem is Ibn Battuta and several other scholars including greek and roman say that the earliest berbers were actually from the horn of Africa.
Bilad al-Barbar (Land of the Berbers), was an ancient region on the northern coast of the Somalia extending to Ethiopia and Kenya dn the horn of Africa the area was inhabited by the Eastern Baribah or Barbaroi (Berbers), as the ancestors of the Somalis were referred to by medieval Arab and ancient Greek geographers, respectively
Raunig, Walter (2005). Afrikas Horn: Akten der Ersten Internationalen Littmann-Konferenz 2. bis 5. Mai 2002 in München. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. p. 130. ISBN 3-447-05175-2. "
F.R.C. Bagley et al., The Last Great Muslim Empires, (Brill: 1997), p.174
James Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics Part 12: V. 12, (Kessinger Publishing, LLC: 2003), p.490

Later he [Ibn Battuta] would visit Mogadishu, the then pre-eminent city of the "Land of the Berbers" (بلد البربر Balad al-Barbar, the medieval Arabic term for the Horn of Africa)
George Wynn Brereton Huntingford, Agatharchides,The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea: With Some Extracts from Agatharkhidēs "On the Erythraean Sea", (Hakluyt Society: 1980), p. 83.
J. D. ***e, Roland Oliver, Roland Anthony Oliver,The Cambridge History of Africa, (Cambridge University Press: 1977), p. 190.
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, The Career and Legend of Vasco Da Gama, (Cambridge University Press: 1998), pp. 120-121.

This is problematic for Eurocentricks because ibn battuta was supposedly a white berber I am assuming the eurocentricks will claim. But he went to Africa with all the black people down into Horn and Zanzibar and calls it the land of berbers yet he never called morocco that... strange isn’t it that the arabs would designate black people as berbers and as the land of berbers and not the white riff berbers.

This is the real root of the Marco Polo fraud.

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