Certainly black-iraqis and black-iranians would benefit from this knowledge because it is often unknown to these people.
2. Well for 1 there are multiple places throughout iraq and iran who still bear the name kush or one of its derivates like alqosh, qeshm, kish, qevs, and their populous often do retain african cultural and linguistic traditions. For one the arabic language is a black african language as are its customs and traditions.
A popular style of dancing called bandari kind of iranian equivalent of samba also has african roots and actually is an import word from swahili. The word itself means port
African Diaspora in Iran ( New documentary: Afro-Iranian Lives) - YouTube
Afro Iranians & dark skinned Iranians (Bandaris) about the light-skinned Iranians (Tehranis) - YouTube
Bandari Music
Moein - Bigharar (Bandari) |
Afro Iranian
Bandar Abbas
I'm not certain the exact stats, but souther iran around qeshm and
There also seems to be a significant population of black people in Hormozgan Province and in the south in general (which is where elam was)
Malika and Khadijah Haqq are descended from the Afro-Iranian community; their parents are immigrants from Khuzestan, Iran
Black iranian children in bandar abbas
Harvard Educated Professor and Professor Emeritus of Government and Near Eastern Studies at Cornell Martin Bernal stated that the ancient Greeks designated two populations of black people with the name Ethiopia, one approximated Elam, and one pertained to a group which lived south of Egypt. See Martin Bernal, David Chioni Moore, Black Athena Writes Back p.461.
"Homer's Eastern Aithiopes can be explained in terms of the black and sometimes "negroid" populations of Elam in Eastern Mesopotamia, which had special associations with the Homeric Ethiopian hero Memnon (page 94 Black Athena Writes Back: Martin Bernal Responds to His Critics)"
Runoko Rashidi showed that the civilization of Sumeria was founded by Nile valley immigrants from Africa. The Sumerians called themselves the black-headed people or black faced people and spoke a derivative of Semitic language, a language branch which rose initially from Ethiopia. Innumerable evidence from various cranial, skeletal, archaeological, anthropological, sculptural and textual sources has confirmed the racial origins of the Sumerians as Nile valley Africans that migrated to Mesopotamia.
Professor John G Jackson
Another great nation of Ethiopian origin was Elam, a country which stretched from the Tigris River to the Zagros Mountains of Persia. Its capital was the famous city of Susa, which was founded about 4,000 B.C., and flourished from that date to its destruction by Moslem invaders about the year 650 C.E.
(p19; Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization)
H.g. wells states that: - "They are believed by some, says, Sir H.H. Johnston to have been Negroid in type. There is a strong Negroid strain in the modern people of Elam." (Outline of History, p 166)
“It seems certain,” declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, “that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt, both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians. Mention is made of Eastern and Western Ethiopians and it is probable that the Easterners were Asiatics and the Westerners Africans.” (History of Ethiopia, Vol. I., Preface, by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge.)
Ephorus says that: “The Ethiopians were considered as occupying all the south coasts of both Asia and Africa,” and adds that “this is an ancient opinion of the of the Greeks.” Then we have the view of Stephanus of Byzantium, that: “Ethiopia was the first established country on earth; and the Ethiopians were the first who introduced the worship of the gods, and who established laws.” The vestiges of this early civilization have been found in Nubia, the Egyptian Sudan, West Africa, Egypt, Mashonaland, India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Arabia, South America, Central America, Mexico, and the United States. Any student who doubts this will find ample evidence in such works as The Voice of Africa, by Dr. Leo Froebenius; Prehistoric Nations, and Ancient America, by John D. Baldwin; Rivers of Life, by Major-General J. G. R. Forlong; A Book of the Beginnings by Gerald Massey; Children of the Sun and The Growth of Civilization, by W. J. Perry; The Negro by Professor W.E.B. DuBois; The Anacalypsis, by Sir Godfrey Higgins; Isis Unveiled by Madam H. P. Blavatsky; The Diffusion of Culture, by Sir Grafton Elliot Smith; The Mediterranean Race, by Professor Sergi; The Ruins of Empires, by Count Volney; The Races of Europe, by Professor William Z. Ripley; and last but not least, the brilliant monographs of Mr. Maynard Shipley: New Light on Prehistoric Cultures and Americans of a Million Years Age.”
Ancient Ethiopia
Either there was a world wide ancient conspiracy amongst whites to blame all civlizations in the 1800s like elam and sumeria on black
Black Iraqis celebrate Obama victory
Samara means black
"According to an independent report Egyptians "shout names such as “oonga boonga” or samara (meaning “black”) at Sudanese and other African migrants."
III. Racist attitudes and Racially-Motivated Identity Checks and Detentions | Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
Samaran culture or black culture of Iraq
Samarran culture | History Today
Late Neolithic culture of central Mesopotamia, characterized by distinctive painted pottery styles with animal and human figures. Dating from about 6000 to 5500 BC, the Samarran culture follows the Hassuna culture and marks the extension of agricultural societies southwards. Samarran communities lived in large villages and developed large-scale irrigation systems (e.g. at Choga Mami), increasing their crop yields and allowing for the settlement of the Mesopotamian plains. |
Tell Hassu=
hassu = hausa
Hassuna = Haoussa
Hassu > hausa people of the hill or hill hausas
I'd say its a plausibility, not a certainty without more evidence.
The Hassu and Samarra people are considered to be related
Smr or Samara/Samarra means black and it usually refers to black people as I previously showed.
Samara, Sumer, Sumeria, Samarra, have no difference in meaning a language who forms roots with consonants.
smr> sumer=black
smr> sumeria=black
smr> samarra=black
Sumer also known as ung sang gi ga or land of the black heads/face. Was known as land of the blacks (S-m-r)
The previous Ubaid culture, well what does Ubaid mean?
What do arabs call blacks people today to insult them and often just part of their regular speech? Abeed, Abeeb, etc > Slave
Taken in context, it is difficult to understand why an ancient culture from 6000-3800bce Iraq, would be called SLAVES; well unless of course the word for black people in your language is basically slave and the culture was found or created by them.
"As we said the Blacks are more numerous than the Whites since they are made up of the Ethiopians, the fezzan, Berbers, Copts, Nubians, ***hwans, the people of Meroe, ceylon, India, Quamar and Indo-China"
ibn Al-Jahiz (iraqi arabic author 776-880s)
can be found at Great men of color volume 1 j.a. rogers
Robin Walker's 'When We Ruled.'
Chapter 19: The Peopling of the Ancient East
"A splendid era of black seems to have preceded all the later races! There must once have been a tremendous Negro expansion, since the original masters of all the lands between Iberia (Spain) and the Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) and East India were primitive and probably dwarfed Black men. We have long had proof that a primitive Negroid race of pygmies (sic) once lived around the Mediterranean. Blacks were the first to plow the mud of the Nile, they were dark-skinned, curly-haired Kusheeites. Blacks were masters of Sumeria and Babylon (ie. Iraq) before it became the country of the four tongues. And in India, the Kingdom of the Dravidian Monarchs..."
Wrote German historian Herr Eugen Georg (in 1931). The Greek writers of antiquity designated a considerable portion of the ancient Near East and southern Asia as Ethiopia. These very regions were associated with the earliest civilizations ever to exist in Asia. But who built them? Sir Wallis Budge informs us that:
"It seems certain that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt, both countries inclusive, by the name of "Ethiopia," and in consequence they regarded all the dark-skinned and Black peoples who inhabited it as "Ethiopians."
Good examples are Homer, the eigth century BC author of The Illiad and The Odyssey, and Herodotus, the learned historian of the fifth century BC. They classified the populations of Sudan, Egypt, Palestine, Arabia, Mesopotamia, and India, as Ethiopians. Lady Lugard tells us that : "The fame of the Ethiopians was widespread in ancient history." Continuing this theme she adds:
"The annals of all the great early nations of Asia Minor are full of them. The Mosaic (Biblical) records allude to them frequently, but while they are described as the most powerful, the most just, and the most beautiful of the Human race, they are constantly spoken of as Black, and there seems to be no other conclusion to be drawn, than that at that remot period of history the leading race of the Western world was a Black race."
mod·ern [mod-ern] Show IPA adjective 1. of or pertaining to present and recent time; not ancient or remote: modern city life. 2. characteristic of present and recent time; contemporary; not antiquated or obsolete: modern viewpoints. 3. of or pertaining to the historical period following the Middle Ages: modern European history. 4. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of contemporary styles of art, literature, music, etc., that reject traditionally accepted or sanctioned forms and emphasize individual experimentation and sensibility. 5. ( initial capital letter ) new ( def 12 ) . |
folk·lore [fohk-lawr, -lohr] Show IPA noun 1. the traditional beliefs, legends, customs, etc., of a people; lore of a people. 2. the study of such lore. 3. a body of widely held but false or unsubstantiated beliefs. |
I do agree the CONTEMPORARY Iraqis and Iranis are overwhelming majority non-black. I also disagree they dislike black people and are more racist than whites. But there are modern iraqis who are black and modern iranians who are black as well combined numbering in the millions.
I never said black people should be claiming white turo-arabs did I? Native indians can talk about how New York city was owned by natives can't they? When was the last time you just seen a native indian walking on pearl street? Me saying ancient Iranians/Iraqis were black = me claiming modern turko-arabs as black is like saying native indians claiming texas, new york and canada were native in antiquity is trying to call whites, blacks and jews native indian.
Perhaps I was not clear enough in making the distinction in modern day turko-arabs (White skinned non black people) and ancient near eastern groups (black people). But do you mean to imply that millions of black iraqis and iranis and afro-turks who were celebrating Obama's victory and look up to black americans in countries that hates America want nothing to do with black people?
Afro turks love you so much
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